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Checklist for visiting/foreign students

Faculty-wide steps, in case of problems contact study office:

  1. Arrange your university computer account. Remember the password or keep it, you will need it many times.
  2. Register for all the courses you want to attend in the faculty information system KOS. This is needed, otherwise you will not have a computer account on the Charles square campus.
  3. Register into the time schedule in the faculty information system KOS. This is needed, otherwise there might not be a place for you and you won't be able to access home assignments (in some courses).

Steps related to courses at Charles square campus organized by Department of Cybernetics, Computer Labs info:

  1. Get initial password for Novel Network at the Charles square.
    • If you cannot login into the page above with your main password, try setting again the main password.
    • If it still does not work contact study office.
  2. Being in the Charles square in the computer lab, check that your login into Novel Network works. When login to Novel Network from computers at Charles square (e.g. room KN:E-132) specify following options in the Advanced tab:
    Tree: FELK
    Context: student.felk.cvut.cz
    Server: kstudent
  3. Check your access to the Home assignments upload system (not used by every course). Currently the update of the users database happen once a day at the morning and then it requires manual intervention by the teacher, so signing into the time schedule will not result in being of upload system user immediately.
    • In case of problems, please contact your teacher.

On your laptop (optional):

  1. Install Eduroam service, which allows you to connect to the WiFi network in computer rooms as well in other university premises.
  2. Install MATLAB using university license if any of your courses requires matlab. This is also not necessary but very handy.
help/for_visiting_students/newcommers.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 14:34 by drbohlav