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Lab 06

During this lab, we will continue with factorgraph-based localization.

Other types of residuals

What would the residuals and Jacobian entries look like?

  • Global absolute localization (GNSS, Vicon, RFID): $res_t^{gps} = ?$
    • 2-DOF, 3-DOF
  • Compass: $res_t^{compass} = ?$
  • Absolute pose priors: $res_t^{prior} = ?$
  • Interpolate marker measurement between two poses for better precision: $res_t^{mri} = ?$
  • Motion model (e.g. differential drive model): $res_t^{motion} = ?$
    • How to construct the model if $u_t$ are wheel velocities?
  • Loop closures: $res_t^{loop} = ?$
  • Velocity measurements in body frame: $res_t^{vel} = ?$
  • UWB localization (radio beacons with distance measurement): $res_t^{uwb} = ?$
  • UWB relative marker: $res_t^{uwbm} = ?$
  • Bluetooth detection (radio beacons without distance measurement): $res_t^{bt} = ?$
    • This introduces inequality constraints which are generally not very well handled.
    • You can use a robust loss to approximate the inequality.
    • Or you can pass the inequality bounds to the bounds parameter of least_squares.
  • Marker as LED (cannot tell its distance): $res_t^{led} = ?$

Lab Task

Use the same codes you already have in your workspace, and make sure you also have a working SLAM implementation in the workspace (aro_slam package). Fill in the missing pieces to add ICP-based odometry (marked with a TODO comment).

Run with:

roslaunch --sigint-timeout 1 --sigterm-timeout 1 aro_localization sim.launch fuse_icp_slam:=true

Watch how the factorgraph struggles keeping up with the ICP odometry. Try to explain that!

Change the code so that ICP odometry is the “base one” and IMU-wheel odometry is just an “addon” to the factorgraph. Does it behave better now?

courses/aro/tutorials/lab06.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/27 14:15 by peckama2