In this lab, the following topics will be dealt with:
Note the following conventions used in this assignment:
x = linspace(0, 1, length(h));
Go to this page to see a more detailed visualization of histograms and CDFs.
Start by downloading the template of the assignment. It contains function templates and the data needed for the tasks.
The image used for testing is automatically available if you have installed the Image Processing Toolbox. Otherwise you can download the image from here:
Change to the directory where you unzipped the archive. Have a close look onto the provided functions/templates and try to run it in Matlab. Make sure that you understand it really well.
Your first task is to implement the following basic monadic operations, as defined in the lecture:
Take a look at the function file get_monadic_operation.m. This function takes one or two arguments. The first argument is the (simplified) name of the monadic operation. The possible values for the operation name can be derived from the switch statement within the function. If the operation requires a parameter, it should be specified as the second argument. The function then returns a reference (“a pointer”) to a function that should perform the requested monadic operation. Your task is to implement these individual functions. They are located in the same script, below the described function - look for all the % TODO comments. Remember that the intensity range is $<0, 1>$ and some operation can create under/over-flow of the intensity values, which needs to be fixed.
switch statement
Once implemented, you can test the operations via the script hw_monadic_ops_1.m (trying individual operations) or hw_monadic_ops_2.m. The second script tests all the operations in one go.
Here are images generated by the second script, which you can compare to the outputs of your implementation: Basic monadic operation examples.
Implement a function for histogram equalization into the file hist_equalization.m. The histogram equalization algorithm must be implemented without using related special Matlab functions: histeq, cdf, hist. Use only basic programming structures, array/matrix indexing and mathematical operations (sum function is allowed).
Here is a template of the main function:
function eq_img = hist_equalization(img) intensity_levels = 256; img_size = size(img); % compute the image CDF img_cdf = compute_cdf(img, intensity_levels); % <= this function needs to be also implemented! % equalize the image eq_img = zeros(img_size); % TODO: implement the histogram equalization algorithm here end
Finish the parts of the code marked % TODO, then you can test the function using the hw_monadic_ops_3.m script. You will also need to implement the helper functions compute_hist and compute_cdf. Again, the same restrictions as for the main function apply (no built-in Matlab functions for histogram or CDF computation, etc.).
Here is an example of and equalized image with its histogram and CDF (output of the hw_monadic_ops_3.m script):
For reference, here is the original, un-equalized image.
Have a look at these two images:
The levels of the one on the left have been adjusted by hand in photo editing program. The right one was taken by a cheap camera and not edited in any way. You can see that many of the details on the right image are drowned out. To fix this, we would like to bring the histogram of the second one as close as possible to the first one. Instead of doing it by hand, we would like to do it automatically.
Methods which do this are called histogram matching. We know that any image can be intensity-normalized by equalization:
This suggests that a transformation which would make the histograms of image and target close would be the one which first transforms the image to an equalized one by cdf, and then transforms by the inverse of cdf_target. Practically, there are several ways how to do it.
One option is to simply invert the cdf_target function (as any normal function). Then, you can simply compute:
$image\_matched = cdf\_target^{-1}(cdf(image))$
as shown in the lecture. The issue with this is that the transformation function (in this case $cdf\_target^-1$) needs to be strictly monotonic and defined for all possible intensity levels of the input image. Neither of these conditions are guaranteed for a simply inverted function. To solve this, you can make use of the following Matlab functions:
linspace, unique, interp1
Another option is to find for each possible input value (intensity level) of the $cdf$ function the input value of the $cdf\_target$ for which the output equals for both functions. This will tell us directly to which intensity value should we transform the intensities in the input image. The following illustration depicts the process:
Again, in practice, there are some issues. Mainly, that the CDFs might not have exactly matching output values. Thus, the closest matching value must be found instead.
For both approaches, the computed function (or rather, a lookup table) is used to transform the input image. Beware of the following:
Your task is to implement histogram matching, using either of the described approaches into the match_hists function:
function img_matched = match_hists(img, img_target, intensity_levels) if ~exist('intensity_levels', 'var') intensity_levels = 256; end % get both CDFs % TODO % create histogram matching lookup table matching_lut = zeros(intensity_levels, 1); % TODO % match the histograms % TODO end
Once this function is available, you can test its functionality via the hw_monadic_ops_4.m script. Here is an example of histogram matching:
All of the function described above are included in the template zip file as templates to be implemented by you. These template functions are functional in the sense they produce some output - usually identity function (i.e., copy input image to the output) - so that the test scripts (the ones named hw_monadic_ops_*.m) work out of the box. Your task is to replace and/or finish the marked parts of the functions (with % TODO) so that they perform the required operations. There might be some parts of the code for convenience (e.g., input validity checking) or some suggested structure. You can change these, unless specified otherwise in the code comments. However, you must never change the function signature (name, inputs/output variable names and counts - for example, you must never add more inputs to a function).
You will be given the following functions to get you started (you do not need to submit these):
Tuesday 10.10.2022, 23:59
Please note: Do not put your functions into any sub-folders. That is, when your submission ZIP archive is decompressed, the files should extract to the same directory where the ZIP archive is. Upload only the files containing functions implemented by yourself, both the required and supplementary ones.