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Ontologies and Semantic Web (B4M36OSW, BE4M36OSW)

Based on the recent Rector's Order No. 16/2020 the course will be fully online, using OSW MS Team.


The course “Ontologies and Semantic Web” will guide students through current trends and technologies in ontologies, linked data and semantic web. Students will learn to design linked data, ontologies, thesauri, formalizing them in a suitable formal language, querying them and creating semantic web applications on top of them.


Basic Information

  • lectures (program) - KN:E-128, thursday 9.15-10.45
  • seminars (program) - KN:E-331, thursday 16.15-17.45
courses/osw/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/24 09:19 by medmicha