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Covid HW 06 - Threads, LEDs, Buttnons, and files

This HW is extension of the previous HW. The expected deliverables are (to be uploaded into BRUTE):

  • PC side - all files related to the project with makefile
  • main.c for the Nucleo board (please, do not upload the whole Eclipse project)

The concept of this exercise is to illustrate the use of threads in your project.

These parameters will be evaluated:

  • The program builds on the previous HomeWork
  • There is an extension to the menu which allows user to enter a file name with Morse code definition.
  • The correctness of the input file is tested and the program behaves correctly
  • There is a thread that processes the Morse code definition file that is created when the file name is entered and ends when the processing of the Morse code definition file is finished. When necessary this thread interacts with communication thread. The execution of the Morse code definition thread can be terminated by user. When the Morse code processing thread is active it is not possible to create a new processing thread (the program waits until the Morse code processing thread finish or the user can terminate this processing thread).
  • There is a thread that services the communication with Nucleo - sending and receiving. This thread is capable to interact with the main thread and the Morse code processing thread.

The Morse code definition file looks like:

# settings section - all lines with # (hash) sign are skipped

# Morse code definition
# space between signals is sigoff, space between letters (one leter is 000) is 3*sigoff
# on state length is sig_on for dot and 3*sig_on for dash
000 111 000

# 0 means dot '.'
# 1 means dash '-'

courses/be5b99cpl/hw/hw06c.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/18 03:29 by pacesp