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Tut # Tutorial Date Materials Available Online Meetings Tutor Contents Materials Homework
1 17.2 17.2 PR Introduction, MDP refreshment slides, HW assignment, code RL HW Assignment
2 24.2 24.2 PR Reinforcement learning: programming exercises zip, slides
3 2.3 2.3 PR Reinforcement learning: TD and Q learning, theoretical exercises Problems, slides
4 9.3 9.3 JB Concept learning - brief recap of prerequisites tutorial4exercises.pdf
5 26.3 1.4 11:00, 1.4 12:45 JB Concept learning - exercises smu_2020_concept_learning_exercises.pdf RL HW Submission
6 1.4 8.4 11:00, 8.4 12:45 JB Concept learning - consultation on exercises smu_2020_concept_learning_exercises_solutions.pdf
7 8.4 15.4 11:00, 15.4 12:45 JB Concept learning - assignment assignment_concept_learning.zip
8 15.4 22.4 11:00, 22.4 12:45 MS Learning in First-Order Logic - intro, theoretical exercises smu20_ilp_1.pdf smu20_ilp_1_with_solutions.pdf last update 22. 4. 14.12
9 22.4 29.4 11:00, 29.4 12:45 MS Learning in First-Order Logic - programming exercises smu20ilp_2_assignment.pdf smu20ilp_2_assignment_with_solutions.pdf last update 4. 5. 11:41 CL HW Submission, FOL HW Assignment
10 29.4 6.5 11:00, 6.5 12:45 MS Learning in First-Order Logic - theoretical exercises smu20_ilp_3.pdf smu20_ilp_3_with_solutions.pdf last update 6. 5. 11:36
11 6.5 13.5 11:00, 13.5 12:45 OH Bayes Nets - conditional independence bn1-2020.zip
12 13.5 20.5 12:45 OH Bayes Nets - inference) bn2-2020.zip FOL HW Submission
13 20.5 tbd OH Bayes Nets - theoretical exercises
courses/smu/tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/20 13:22 by hubacon2