more complex data types: Strings, tuples, lists. Traversing. Basic methods.
implement the following functions and test them appropriately.
def count_chars(string, char): """Return the number of occurances of char in string. :param string: a string. Example "hello world" :param char: character. Example "l" :return: int number of char occurences in string >>> count_chars("hello","l") 2 """
def replace_chars(string, char_original, char_replacement): """Return a new string with all occurences of char_original replaced by char_replacement. :param string: string in which some chars shall be replaced :param char_original: character to be replaced :param char_replacement: character to be inserted instead of char_original :return: a new string with replaced characters >>> replace_chars("hello","h","H") "Hello" """
def reverse_string(string): """Return a reversed version of string. :param string: string to be reversed :return: reversed string >>> reverse_string("hello") "olleh" """
def is_palindrom(string): """Return True if and only if the string is equal to its reversed version. :param string: string to check for palindrom :return: boolean >>> is_palindrom("aka") True >>> is_palindrom("hello") False """
def remove_duplicates(items): """Remove duplicate items. :param items: input list, can contain anything :return: (unique_list, duplicates) unique_list - a list with unique items only duplicates - a list with items that were in items more than once >>> remove_duplicates(['h','e','l','l','o']) (['h','e','l','o'],['l']) """