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Computer Lab 01, first steps

  • logon to machines (you can use your own)
  • fill the initial survey
  • course policy
  • individual work, what does it mean, can I use web resources? Check the plagiarism_cheating


  • a weekly puzzle to train the brain

what does Lena do now?

Read the assignment lena-problem.pdf

  • create an ASCII file answer.txt. It must have exactly 3 rows and one of the letter a,b,c on each. Each letter can appear only once
  • Log in to upload system (username and password are the same as for faculty information system) and upload the file answer.txt (task 02_Lena)

practical work

  • start the PyCharm
  • immediate mode, what is Python console
  • script mode, how to run the program
  • play


  • install Python and Pycharm on your home computer
  • go through the first two chapters of the Book Wentworth2012, and try some excercises and prepare questions for the next computer lab
courses/be5b33prg/labs/week_01.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/04 13:04 by iscenahm