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T02 - LED display driver

4-digit LED display is connected to microcontroler by the use of two serial-in shift registers with output latches SN74LS595. To display any information on the display it is necessary to send two bytes:

  • 1st byte represents individual segments of single LED display (D7..D0)
  • 2nd byte represents address of digit (A7..A0)

Used pins of microcontroller:

  • GPIOA9 - serial data
  • GPIOA8 - clock
  • GPIOB5 - latch

Figure 1 shows time diagram of communication between microcontroller and LED display. Bits are sent starting from MSB.

Example of serial data sequence (two bytes) to show number 0 on 1st digit (from the left): 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

courses/be2m37mam/tasks/task02.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/08 10:00 by viteks