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T Date Tutor Contents Materials
1 18.2. JB Introduction, entrance test, logic revision Entrance testSolution
2 25.2. JB Learning conjunctions, probabilities Learning conjunctions Exercises generalization_algorithm.pdf
3 4.3. JB Mistake bounds; Assignment 1 assignment1.zip assignment1.pdf
4 11.3. MS Learning from interpretations Learning from interpretations
5 18.3. MS LGG Learning from entailment
6 25.3. MS RLGG, ILP assignment HW assignment code
7 1.4. PR Reinforcement learning slides, HW assignment, code
8 8.4. PR Reinforcement learning zip, slides
9 15.4. PR Reinforcement learning Problems, slides
- 22.4 OH Easter Monday Bayesian networks
10 29.4. OH Bayesian networks holiday on 1. 5.
11 6.5. OH Bayesian networks HW DLs, lab 8. 5. moved to 9. 5.
12 13.5. TBD PP / PLP lab 15. 5. moved to 14. 5., https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/problog/tutorial.html
13 20.5. TBD Assignment's solutions
courses/smu/tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/20 14:59 by rysavpe1