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  1. Students can get a maximum of 100 points.
  2. Up to 50 points can be obtained during the semester, another max. 50 points at the written exam.
  3. A minimum of 25 points is required to pass the exam.
  4. Points for the work during the semester can be obtained for solving 3 homeworks, first two homeworks are for 15 points, the third for 20.
  5. For each day after deadline, your homework score is reduced by 3 points (but you cannot get a negative score).
  6. All assignments have a common deadline in the eleventh week of the semester.
  7. All mandatory parts of homeworks must be solved.
  8. Attendance at tutorials is not compulsory, however attendance is highly recommended. Consultation are allowed only for attending students and students with timely excuse.
  9. Final grade is determined according to the following table:
Points ECTS Grade
100 - 90 A excellent
89 - 80 B very good
79 - 70 C good
69 - 60 D satisfactory
59 - 50 E sufficient
49 and less F failed
courses/smu/evaluation.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:55 by rysavpe1