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Semestral project 1: Machine Learning

The goal of the task is to create a spam filter.

You should submit

  • Python module filter.py with the filter of your choice,
  • report describing what you have done, and
  • Python modules/scripts demonstrating what you have done.

The code in filter.py will be used to assess the quality of your filter, and for the contest of all filters. The report may be in Czech or in English, shall have the form of a scientific article, it should be concise, self-contained, showing everything the author wants to show.

This task is individual. Teams are not allowed.

Deadline: 23.4.2018 23:59:59

Late policy: late solutions will be penalized by 4 points for each started week of delay.

courses/ui/tasks/task1.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/03 13:06 by spilkjir