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Lab exercises

Instructor: Jiří Spilka

  • English lab: Tuesdays, 14:30-16:00, room KN:E-230
  • Czech lab: Tuesdays, 16:15-17:45, room KN:E-230

Work in progress, update for the upcoming semester.

Date Week Odd/Even Contents Link
20.02.2018 1. E Course organization. Intro to Python Intro
27.02.2018 2. O Bayesian and non-bayesian decision tasks ML 1
06.03.2018 3. E Linear regression ML 2
13.03.2018 4. O Non-linear models via basis expansion, logistic regression ML 3
20.03.2018 5. E Model evaluation and diagnostics ML 4
27.03.2018 6. O Decision trees and ensemble models ML 5
03.04.2018 7. E Semestral task 1, Neural networks ST1, ML 6
10.04.2018 8. O A brief intro to ST1, Bayesian networks PM 1
17.04.2018 9. E Hidden Markov Models 1 PM 2
24.04.2018 10. O Hidden Markov Models 2 ST2, PM 3
01.05.2018 11. E No labs. Public holiday.
08.05.2018 12. O No labs. Public holiday.
15.05.2018 13. E Hierarchical Task Net (HTN) Planning HTN
17.05.2018 13. E Schedule as on Tuesday. Scheduling CPM
22.05.2018 14. O Constraint satisfaction problems CSP
courses/ui/exercises/start.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/17 10:19 by spilkjir