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Semestral Work

The goal of the semestral work is to learn how to define a problem and questions leading to solve it, get (and recognize) quality data containing information needed to get the solution and actually answer the question.


The semestral work is graded in three checkpoints:

  • checkpoint 0 (max 5 pts) – deadline to deliver 4. 10. 2020
  • checkpoint 1 (max 20 pts) – deadline to deliver 15. 11. 2020
  • checkpoint 2 (max 25 pts) – deadline to deliver 3. 1. 2021

To successfully complete the semestral project, you need to obtain at least 50% grading from each checkpoint. For completing a checkpoint you need to

  1. (by the checkpoint deadline) push the deliverable from each checkpoint to the GIT repo https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/B191_B4M36OSW/%username%, resp. https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/B191_BE4M36OSW/%username%
  2. (by the checkpoint deadline) upload a txt file 'cp0.txt', resp. 'cp1.txt', resp. 'cp2.txt' into the upload system. The file contains the hash of the GIT commit you are submitting to the checkpoint
  3. (at the next lab) defend the checkpoint.

Deadline to deliver checkpoint is the last Sunday before the tutorial on which it is defended. If you submit your checkpoint after the deadline, you will be penalized by losing 5 points for each commenced week of delay. This penalization will be used for final grading only (i.e. it will not be taken into account for passing/failing determination).


The basic goal of the semestral project is to Integrate various data sources into linked data set and associate it to the ontology (in order to get extended information) as it is described in the following picture:

The topic for this term will be Crisis - the global problems. Expected subtopics are (but not limited to) Covid-19 (its spread, economical impact, effectivness of precautions etc…), ecology and climate change (anthropogenic influence on environment, floods, ice melting, greenhouse effect etc… ), economical crisis (central banks, fiat money, inflation etc…) and/or its combinations (influenc of covid-19 precautions on economy, inflation and ecology etc…).

OSW Ontology

The current version of the ontology can be found here.

Generic Ontologies

Generic Dataset Sources

In case of not finding data you would need, try to contact lecturer.

Sample projects from previous years


Archive semestral-work-example-2019.zip.

Do not use them as templates for your semestral work since the rules from previous years were different.
courses/osw/semestral_work.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/29 22:50 by medmicha