This page is located in a preparation section till 17.02.2025.

Computers labs, seminars

Labs are organized into three main topics: i) problem solving by search, ii) sequential decisions under uncertainty, iii) machine learning - classifying simple images. The labs combine seminar-like discussions and solving/discussing coding problems. Often, problems will be solved on paper and pen first, so bring some. Students are expected to come with questions.

There are 5 compulsory programming assignments throughout the semeseter (search, reversi (adversarial search), sequential decision making, reinforcement learning, and classification (2 parts - code and report)) that you will have to upload to BRUTE. The deadlines will be listed only there.

The scheduled labs are the primary places for discussions and consultations. The labs are not compulsory but it is expected you come prepared. We will mark your presence, though. Individual consultations are possible after an agreement. Note, however, that the individual consultations are meant to be used mainly under special circumstances like long illness. If you know about longer absence please approach us beforehand.

The course will start as physical teaching, but might change to Distance teaching if needed. We strongly suggest to attend the lectures personally. But we plan to make the labs hybrid, such that you can take part also online. BigBlueButton will be used to deliver the lectures and for discussions. You will find the link to the course room in BRUTE, on Course ⇒ Conference rooms.
date week nr. content
17.02.2025 1 Introduction and Search I
24.02.2025 2 Search II
03.03.2025 3 Adversarial search I
10.03.2025 4 Adversarial search II
17.03.2025 5 Probabilities I
24.03.2025 6 Sequential decision-making I
31.03.2025 7 Sequential decision-making II
07.04.2025 8 Reinforcement learning I
14.04.2025 9 Reinforcement learning II
21.04.2025 10 Holiday - Easter Monday
28.04.2025 11 Reinforcement learning III
05.05.2025 12 Bayesian decision-making I
12.05.2025 13 Classification I
19.05.2025 14 Classification II


Unless stated otherwise an individual coding work is required. You are encouraged to discuss ideas but coding must be your work only. See the more detailed description what is meant by this.

courses/be5b33kui/labs/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/11 15:14 by dantuswa