This page is located in a preparation section till 17.02.2025.

02 Search II

How to search when we do not know how far is the goal. What does it mean that an algorithm is complete, optimal?

  • discussion on the first assignment
  • AI-gym works for everyone?
  • Search Exercise

Exercise for bonus points

  • Resolve the questions in the given heuristic exercise.
  • 0.5 points
  • Submit your solution to BRUTE lab02quiz by February 27, midnight.
  • Format: text file, photo of your solution on paper, pdf - what is convenient for you.
  • Solution will be discussed on the next lab.
  • Students with their family name starting from A to K (included) have to solve and upload subject A , while students with family name from L to Z have to solve and upload subject B.

Completeness and optimality

We will discuss how to best search when we don't know how far is the goal. What does it mean that a search algorithm is complete, optimal.

Exercise I / Solving together

Search exercise

Think a little bit about the types of data structures you will need.

Students should think about representation of Nodes in search Trees, and how to implement Node and NodeList classes that permit to create and manipulate Nodes.

Search programming

  • The following Python libraries may help you for searches in a tree: queue and heapq.

Maze search: 1st mandatory assigment

In the environment from Search, program an algorithm that will find the cheapest path. Do not forget that changing positions does not have to cost the same in every case.

courses/be5b33kui/labs/weekly/week_02.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/25 22:36 by dantuswa