Podmínky předmětu a způsob hodnocení
Rozvrh NIN 2024/2025
|Instruction for lab exercises (update 15.2.2023)
System for assignment hand-in:
Labs: in person, room KN:E230
Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted through the brute system (link above). Upload your assignment as a zip archive with all necessary codes with a short pdf report, briefly summarizing the task and showing the results of the simulations.
Deadlines and penalties: 1 week for completion at full grade, two weeks 50% penalty, 2+ weeks 100% penalty (0 points). All exercises have to be completed and handed in order to obtain assessment. Please be patient with potential mis-configurations and possible technical issues with the system. In case of technical issues, no penalty will be applied, especially during the first weeks.
Doporučená literatura / Recommended literature
Available from the dept. of Cybernetics' library - contact Dr Petr Novak (
[1] Thomas Trappenberg. Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, USA, June 2010.
[2] David Fitzpatrick William C. Hall Anthony-Samuel LaMantia Leonard E. White Dale Purves, George J. Augustine. Neuroscience. Sinauer Associates, Inc., 5th. edition edition, 2011.
[3] Michael L. Hines Nicholas T. Carnevale. The Neuron Book. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
[4] Werner M. Kistler Wulfram Gerstner. Spiking Neuron Models: Single Neurons, Populations, Plas- ticity. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Přednášející | Lecturer: Daniel Novák
Cvičící | Labs TAs: Eduard Bakštein
Konzultace po individuální e-mailové domluvě s cvičícím / Consultations possible upon email request to the TAs