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B4M36DS2, BE4M36DS2: Database Systems 2

Basic Information

Course Schedule and Materials

Tools for Practical Classes and Homework

Formal Requirements

  • Attendance during lectures and practical classes is recommended but not compulsory
  • Homework
    • Altogether 7 mandatory individual homework assignments will be given during the semester (HW0 - HW6). They are parts of the same project
    • Everyone must choose their distinct topic, not later than 6. 10. 2024. The lecturer must accept the topic.
    • You can organize into teams of up to 3 students to work on the project
    • If a team performs the project, all quantity standards (data, queries, etc.) must be multiplied by the number of students
    • Solutions must be submitted via a script executed on the NoSQL server. The same script with a screenshot must be submitted to BRUTE
    • Solutions can be submitted even repeatedly (before the deadline), only the latest version is assessed
    • Once the lecturer assesses a given assignment, it cannot be resubmitted once again
    • Delay of one whole day is penalized by 5 points, shorter delays are penalized proportionally. Should the delay be even longer, the penalty stays the same and does not further increase
    • All the homework assignments must be submitted before the intended exam date to be considered
    • During some of the practical classes, extra activity points can be acquired
    • Half of all the points above 100 is transferred as bonus points to the exam
  • Exam
    • Only students with a course credit already acquired can sign up for the final exam
    • The final exam consists of a compulsory written test and an optional oral examination.
    • The written test consists of a theoretical part (open and multiple choice questions) and a practical part (exercises)
    • Having less than 30% points from any of the two parts prevents from passing the exam successfully
    • Based on the result, everyone can voluntarily undergo an oral examination. The only condition is to have at least 50 points
    • In such a case, the final score is further adjusted by up to minus 10 to plus 5 points
    • The examiner can also request the oral examination in case of uncertainties in the test


The grade is calculated as the total points for homework, exam, and bonus points.

Assignment Maximum Minimum
Homework 32 20
Exam 70 30
Bonus 10 0
Total 112 50

Final grade: 90 points and more for A, 80+ for B, 70+ for C, 60+ for D, and 50+ for E

Exam Requirements

NoSQL Introduction

  • Big Data and NoSQL terms, V characteristics (volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value, validity, volatility), current trends and challenges (Big Data, Big Users, processing paradigms, …), principles of relational databases (functional dependencies, normal forms, transactions, ACID properties); types of NoSQL systems (key-value, wide column, document, graph, …), their data models, features and use cases; common features of NoSQL systems (aggregates, schemalessness, scaling, flexibility, sharding, replication, automated maintenance, eventual consistency, …)

Data Formats

  • XML: constructs (element, attribute, text, …), content model (empty, text, elements, mixed), entities, well-formedness; document and data oriented XML
  • JSON: constructs (object, array, value), types of values (strings, numbers, …); BSON: document structure (elements, type selectors, property names and values)
  • RDF: data model (resources, referents, values), triples (subject, predicate, object), statements, blank nodes, IRI identifiers, literals (types, language tags); graph representation (vertices, edges); N-Triples notation (RDF file, statements, triple components, literals, IRI references); Turtle notation (TTL file, prefix definitions, triples, object and predicate-object lists, blank nodes, prefixed names, literals)
  • CSV: constructs (document, header, record, field)


  • Programming models, paradigms and languages; parallel programming models, process interaction (shared memory, message passing, implicit interaction), problem decomposition (task parallelism, data parallelism, implicit parallelism)
  • MapReduce: programming model (data parallelism, map and reduce functions), cluster architecture (master, workers, message passing, data distribution), map and reduce functions (input arguments, emission and reduction of intermediate key-value pairs, final output), data flow phases (mapping, shuffling, reducing), input parsing (input file, split, record), execution steps (parsing, mapping, partitioning, combining, merging, reducing), combine function (commutativity, associativity), additional functions (input reader, partition, compare, output writer), implementation details (counters, fault tolerance, stragglers, task granularity), usage patterns (aggregation, grouping, querying, sorting, …)
  • Apache Hadoop: modules (Common, HDFS, YARN, MapReduce), related projects (Cassandra, HBase, …); HDFS: data model (hierarchical namespace, directories, files, blocks, permissions), architecture (NameNode, DataNode, HeartBeat messages, failures), replica placement (rack-aware strategy), FsImage (namespace, mapping of blocks, system properties) and EditLog structures, FS commands (ls, mkdir, …); MapReduce: architecture (JobTracker, TaskTracker), job implementation (Configuration; Mapper, Reducer, and Combiner classes; Context, write method; Writable and WritableComparable interfaces), job execution schema

NoSQL Principles

  • Scaling: scalability definition; vertical scaling (scaling up/down), pros and cons (performance limits, higher costs, vendor lock-in, …); horizontal scaling (scaling out/in), pros and cons, network fallacies (reliability, latency, bandwidth, security, …), cluster architecture; design questions (scalability, availability, consistency, latency, durability, resilience)
  • Distribution models: sharding: idea, motivation, objectives (balanced distribution, workload, …), strategies (mapping structures, general rules), difficulties (evaluation of requests, changing cluster structure, obsolete or incomplete knowledge, network partitioning, …); replication: idea, motivation, objectives, replication factor, architectures (master-slave and peer-to-peer), internal details (handling of read and write requests, consistency issues, failure recovery), replica placement strategies; mutual combinations of sharding and replication
  • CAP theorem: CAP guarantees (consistency, availability, partition tolerance), CAP theorem, consequences (CA, CP and AP systems), consistency-availability spectrum, ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability), BASE properties (basically available, soft state, eventual consistency)
  • Consistency: strong vs. eventual consistency; write consistency (write-write conflict, context, pessimistic and optimistic strategies), read consistency (read-write conflict, context, inconsistency window, session consistency), read and write quora (formulae, motivation, workload balancing)

Key-Value Stores

  • Data model (key-value pairs), key management (real-world identifiers, automatically generated, structured keys, prefixes), basic CRUD operations, use cases, representatives, extended functionality (MapReduce, TTL, links, structured store, …)
    • Redis: features (in-memory, data structure store), data model (databases, objects), data types (string, list, set, sorted set, hash), string commands (SET, GET, APPEND, SETRANGE, INCR, DEL, …), list commands (LPUSH, RPUSH, LPOP, RPOP, LINDEX, LRANGE, LREM, …), set commands (SADD, SISMEMBER, SUNION, SINTER, SDIFF, SREM, …), sorted set commands (ZADD, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZINCRBY, ZREM, …), hash commands (HSET, HMSET, HGET, HMGET, HKEYS, HVALS, HDEL, …), general commands (EXISTS, KEYS, DEL, RENAME, …), time-to-live commands (EXPIRE, TTL, PERSIST)

Wide Column Stores

  • Data model (column families, rows, columns), query patterns, use cases, representatives
  • Cassandra: data model (keyspaces, tables, rows, columns), primary keys (partition key, clustering columns), column values (missing; empty; native data types, tuples, user-defined types; collections: lists, sets, maps; frozen mode), additional data (TTL, timestamp); CQL language: DDL statements: CREATE KEYSPACE (replication options), DROP KEYSPACE, USE keyspace, CREATE TABLE (column definitions, usage of types, primary key), DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE; native data types (int, varint, double, boolean, text, timestamp, …); literals (atomic, collections, …); DML statements: SELECT statements (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clauses; DISTINCT modifier; selectors; non/filtering queries, ALLOW FILTERING mode; filtering relations; aggregates; restrictions on sorting and aggregation), INSERT statements (update parameters: TTL, TIMESTAMP), UPDATE statements (assignments; modification of collections: additions, removals), DELETE statements (deletion of rows, removal of columns, removal of items from collections)

Document Stores

  • Data model (documents), query patterns, use cases, representatives
  • MongoDB: data model (databases, collections, documents, field names), document identifiers (features, ObjectId), data modeling (embedded documents, references); CRUD operations (insert, update, save, remove, find); insert operation (management of identifiers); update operation: replace vs. update mode, multi option, upsert mode, update operators (field: set, rename, inc, …; array: push, pop, …); save operation (insert vs. replace mode); remove operation (justOne option); find operation: query conditions (value equality vs. query operators), query operators (comparison: eq, ne, …; element: exists; evaluation: regex, …; logical: and, or, not; array: all, elemMatch, …), dot notation (embedded fields, array items), querying of arrays, projection (positive, negative), projection operators (array: slice, elemMatch), modifiers (sort, skip, limit); MapReduce (map function, reduce function, options: query, sort, limit, out); primary and secondary index structures (index types: value, hashed, …; forms; properties: unique, partial, sparse, TTL)

Graph Databases

  • Data model (property graphs), use cases, representatives
  • Neo4j: data model (graph, nodes, relationships, directions, labels, types, properties), properties (fields, atomic values, arrays); embedded database mode; traversal framework: traversal description, order (breadth-first, depth-first, branch ordering policies), expanders (relationship types, directions), uniqueness (NODE_GLOBAL, RELATIONSHIP_GLOBAL, …), evaluators (INCLUDE/EXCLUDE and CONTINUE/PRUNE results; predefined evaluators: all, excludeStartPosition, …; custom evaluators: evaluate method), traverser (starting nodes, iteration modes: paths, end nodes, last relationships); Java interface (labels, types, nodes, relationships, properties, transactions); Cypher language: graph matching (solutions, variable bindings); query sub/clauses (read, write, general); path patterns, node patterns (variable, labels, properties), relationship patterns (variable, types, properties, variable length); MATCH clause (path patterns, WHERE conditions, uniqueness requirement, OPTIONAL mode); RETURN clause (DISTINCT modifier, ORDER BY, LIMIT, SKIP subclauses, aggregation); WITH clause (motivation, subclauses); write clauses: CREATE, DELETE (DETACH mode), SET (properties, labels), REMOVE (properties, labels); query structure (chaining of clauses, query parts, restrictions)

Advanced Aspects

  • Graph databases: non/transactional databases, query patterns (CRUD, graph algorithms, graph traversals, graph pattern matching, similarity querying); data structures (adjacency matrix, adjacency list, incidence matrix, Laplacian matrix), graph traversals, data locality (BFS layout, matrix bandwidth, bandwidth minimization problem, Cuthill-McKee algorithm), graph partitioning (1D partitioning, 2D partitioning, BFS evaluation), graph matching (sub-graph, super-graph patterns), non/mining based indexing
  • Performance tuning: scalability goals (reduce latency, increase throughput), Amdahl's law, Little's law, message cost model
  • Polyglot persistence

RDF Stores

  • Linked Data: principles (identification, standard formats, interlinking, open license), Linked Open Data Cloud
  • SPARQL: graph pattern matching (solution sequence, solution, variable binding, compatibility of solutions), graph patterns (basic, group, optional, alternative, graph, minus); prologue declarations (BASE, PREFIX clauses), SELECT queries (SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses), query dataset (default graph, named graphs), variable assignments (BIND), FILTER constraints (comparisons, logical connectives, accessors, tests, …), solution modifiers (DISTINCT, REDUCED; aggregation: GROUP BY, HAVING; sorting: ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET), query forms (SELECT, ASK, DESCRIBE, CONSTRUCT)

ISBN: 978-80-247-5466-6 (hardcover), 978-80-247-5938-8 (eBook PDF), 978-80-247-5939-5 (eBook EPUB).
Grada Publishing, a.s., 2015.

ISBN: 978-0-321-82662-6.
Pearson Education, Inc., 2013.

ISBN: 978-3-11-044140-6 (hardcover), 978-3-11-044141-3 (eBook PDF), 978-3-11-043307-4 (eBook EPUB).
DOI: 10.1515/9783110441413.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2015.

ISBN: 978-3-319-49339-8 (hardcover), 978-3-319-49340-4 (eBook).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49340-4.
Springer International Publishing AG, 2017.

courses/be4m36ds2/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/19 19:06 by prokoyul