This subject aims on the actual meaning of the data, sharing it and using the context, publishing the data in a reuseble manner, understandable for both humans and machines.
During the semester we will show You, how to explicitly represent semantics of your data in a reusable and shareable manner. Data in general have only implicit meaning which is often not understood or even worse - misunderstood. We will show You how to explicitly equip Your data with explanations understandable for both humans and machines, using thesauri and ontologies. Second, we will show You how to interlink data using linked data principles and semantic web technologies to make them FAIR. During the semester You will work with various open data, learning to:
You will try all this by yourselves during the semestral project, in which you are going to integrate ambiguous data using ontologies and answer non-trivial questions over them using SPARQL.
The course consists of
Knowledge from both lectures and seminars is expected during the exam and the semestral work.