BE4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures

B4M35PAP - Pokročilé architektury počítačů

A8M36ACA - Pokročilé architektury počítačů

The regular in person education is planned for 2024 winter term
Note for the case of forced switch to distance education
distedu - Distance education organization

Official pages for the subject

Contents of subject pages


  • Regular meetings planned weekly on Fridays, start at 11:00 finish 14:15

Ing. Pavel Píša, PhD.

Ing. Karel Kočí - not teaching in 2024 winter term

Important links



0 Post(s) for October 2024

2018/09/18 20:59


1. Introduction
Control flow computers and Data flow computers (Data driven, Demand driven). Flynn’s taxonomy. Parallel processing. Amdahl’s and Gustavson’s law. Metrics.

2. From scalar processors to superscalar processors (basic organization of superscalar processor)
Static, dynamic and hybrid scheduling of the instruction flow

3. Superscalar techniques I – Register data flow
Register renaming (Tomasulo’s algorithm) and data speculation. Precise exception support.

4. Superscalar techniques II – Instruction flow, speculation
Prediction and Predictors, Branch misprediction recovery

5. Superscalar techniques III - Memory data flow; VLIW and EPIC
Load bypassing and Load forwarding. Load speculation.; Data parallelism, SIMD and vector instructions in ISA; Loop-unrolling and software pipelining.

6. Memory subsystem
Non-blocking cache, Victim cache, Virtual memory and cache

7. Multiprocessor systems and Memory coherence
Distributed memory systems (DMS) and Shared memory systems (SMS). Symmetric multiprocessor systems (SMP). Coherence in SMP 

8. Multiprocessor systems and Memory consistency
Rules for memory operations, Sequential consistency and other consistency models.

9. Parallel computing I – Data consistency on multiprocessor system
Parallel computing concepts, Programming issues, Parallel programming paradigms, Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP)

10. Parallel computing II

11. I/O subsytem
PCIe, HyperTransport, QuickPathInterconnect

12. MPP and clusters, interconnection networks
Static and dynamic interconnection networks

13. Architecture perspectives


  1. Hennessy, J., L., and Patterson, D., A.: Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach, 6th Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-12-811905-1.
  2. Patterson, D., A., and Hennessy, J., L.: Computer organization and design RISC-V edition: the hardware/software interface. Second Edition. Cambridge: Elsevier, [2021]. ISBN 978-0-12-820331-6. (12 textbooks available in CTU central library)
  3. Shen, J.P., and Lipasti, M.H.: Modern Processor Design : Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors, First Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill Inc., 2004
  4. Grama A., Gupta, A. et al.: Introduction to Parallel Computing, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003
  5. Harris, D., M., and Harris, S., L.: Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V Edition: 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2021. ISBN 978-0128200643. (4 textbooks available in CTU central library)
courses/b4m35pap/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/13 11:18 by pisa