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List of available topics

the specific date may change.

No. Date Student Topic
1. 22. 9. xxxxxxxx
2. 29. 9. xxxxxxxx
3. 6.10. [44] Halfedge data structure in OpenMesh library. Demo of ovelap of planar subdivisions.
[1] 2D range tree construction and range tree search [PREPARATA 77-87, Mount (75-)79-81, Berg 99-120]. Focus on a demonstration example or an applet. Do not repeat Lecture 3.
4. 13.10. Varga [9a] Convex Hull of a simple polygon: algorithm of Lee] [PREPARATA 166-171]
Veverková [9b] Convex Hull of a simple polygon: algorithm of Melkman [PREPARATA 166-171]
5. 20.10. Arameleva [8] Beneath-beyond method (horní-dolní) [PREPARATA 131-140].
Zahradník [7] Overmars and van Leeuwen algorithm of dynamic convex hull. [PREPARATA 118-125]. Detailed example.
6. 27.10. Krejčí [11] Diameter of a point set. [PREPARATA 178-183].
Chaloupka [23] (2) Kernel of a Polygon [Lee]
7. 3.11. Linder [13] Largest empty circle [PREPARATA 248-254]
Čuhel [12] Smallest enclosing circle. [Berg 86-89, Mount20 135-140, PREPARATA 248-254] Impementace
8. 10.11. Tošner [14] k-th order Voronoi diagram. [PREPARATA 242-246].
Kraus [44] Variants of Voronoi diagram - different metrics, weights, and site shapes applets (use appletviewer from jdk 10)
9. 17.11. Public holiday
10. 24.11. Cicvárek [18] D&C Algorithm of Delaunay triangulation: DeWall algorithm. [ Cignoni, Maur '02, 15-17].
Yongpan Fu [43] Quad edge data structure and its usage for storage of DT and VD.[Rourke 147-149,199, Guibas&Stolfi], Overview
11. 1.12. Žižková [25] Algorithm for computation of the perimeter of a union of rectangles. [PREPARATA 340-347]
Sokovnin [35] Intersection of convex polygons. [O'Rourke 242-252]
12. 8.12. Kolář [37] Partition trees and a simplex method [Berg 335-343]
Velecký [36] Robot motion planning [Berg 283-290]
13. 15.12. Hubáček [6] Triangular method for planar search (Kirkpatrick's Planar point location) [PREPARATA 57-60, Mount 116-120].
Janoušková [39] Kinetic data structures - introduction - kinetic convex hull Razzazi
14. 12.1. Kolář [37] Partition trees and a simplex method [Berg 335-343]
Kraus [44] Variants of Voronoi diagram - different metrics, weights, and site shapes applets (use appletviewer from jdk 10)



[Berg, Mount, O'Rourke, Preparata] viz úvodní stránka

[Mulmuley] K. Mulmuley. Computational Geometry: An Introduction Through Randomized Algorithms. Prentice-Hall, New York, 1993

[Maur] Maur, P: Delaunay Triangulation in 3D. State of the Art and Concept of Doctoral Thesis, ZCU 2002

courses/cg/presentations/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/12 13:22 by felkepet