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* If the teaching changes to remote, deviations may occur (midterm importance and handling, etc).

  1. Students can get a maximum of 100 points.
  2. Up to 50 points can be obtained during the semester, another max. 50 points at the written exam.
  3. A minimum of 25 points is required to pass the exam.
  4. Points for the work during the semester can be obtained for:
    • Midterm test (15 points).
    • Solution of tasks assigned at tutorials (35 points).
  5. Assignments:
    • There are 4 regular assignments (5 points each) and the final assignment (15 points).
    • A delayed submission is penalized as follows: less than one week 50% penalty, more than one week 100% penalty.
  6. Midterm test:
    • Test with topics from the first half of the semester.
    • The test can be taken at a substitute term only in the case of properly excused absence.
    • The test has two parts - theoretical and practical, each for 45 minutes (90 minutes total).
    • The theoretical part will be from the topics covered in lectures: linear and nonlinear regression, logistic regression, LDA/QDA, generalized linear models, ANOVA. Out of these, you will answer 3 questions, plus one question will be from the minimal statistical prerequisites (see Lecture 1).
    • The practical part will contain one task from the same topics as the theoretical one, which you will be supposed to solve using techniques learned in labs. You will have access to the Internet and your notes.
    • The total amount of points you can get is 15; approx. 2/3 will be from the theoretical part and 1/3 from the practical task.
  7. Necessary conditions to obtain the credit
    • At least four assignments rated more than zero points (i.e., submitted less than one week after deadline).
    • Attendance - no more than 2 missed tutorials allowed.
    • a minimum 25 points reached for tutorials and midterm test.
  8. Final grade is determined according to the following table:
Points ECTS Grade
100 - 90 A excellent
89 - 80 B very good
79 - 70 C good
69 - 60 D satisfactory
59 - 50 E sufficient
49 and less F failed
courses/b4m36san/evaluation.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/04 14:28 by lequyanh