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Timetable at FEE Students of PGE Upload system BRUTE PRG


Dates and locations of examinations

All exams terms take place at Karlovo namesti, classroom KN:E-230, in building E.

Register yourself for a particular exam term:

Registration sheet

DO NOT register yourself in the KOS system, it is not needed in PGE.

Homeworks completed

You should complete all homeworks you had chosen to solve before you sit for the exam.


The exam consists of the analytical and the programming part.
Both parts are independent in the sense that a student can take each part on different terms/dates and in any order.

At the analytical part the student is given a few snippets of python code, typically about 4-5 snippets, each having at most 30 lines. The task is to explain what the code does, what is its output, and what is the effectiveness of the code. There might be some lines missing in the code and a part of the task is then to fill in those lines according to the presumed functionality of the code. No additional sources including printed and electronic may be used at the analytical part.

At the programming part the student must solve a programming problem similar (and somehow simpler) to the semester programming homeworks. There are 10 data input files associated with the problem and the student's code must yield a correct solution of at least 5 files. The programming part lasts 4 hours (240 min). In the first 30 minutes of this part it is not allowed to write a code. This time is intended for individual analysis of the problem. all programming is done entirely on school computers which are disconnected from most of the Web, only only brute upload system and PGE web pages are accessible.
Students can bring to the programming part any printed or electronic sources.
Students can bring their own notebook and use it as a reference tool containing older codes, documentation, program examples etc.
All exploitation of electronic devices other than the school computer can happen only under examiner's supervision. Also, accessing web on personal computer needs examiner's supervision.

Individual work
All solutions of exam tasks have to be written/created strictly individually by each exam participant. Consult the teacher in advance if you have any question(s) regarding the rules of individual work.
Plagiarism is not supported at CTU, see plagiarism dealing rules.

Consecutive terms
A student which fails at any part of the exam (analytical or programming) may repeat this part in any of later exam terms and does not have to repeat the remaining part. His/her results in the other part are not affected. When a student repeats some part more times only his/her best result from all terms of this part is graded. In total each student can take part in at most three terms of the analytical part and three terms of the programing part.

Late minimum correction
When you find after the failed practical exam that the failure was caused by a trivial error in your code, you may ask the examiner for repeated evaluation of the corrected code. If the corrected code works according to the exam demands you may still pass this part of the exam. The necessary conditions of success in such case are: 1. The correction must be conceptually simple and physically short (few lines of code, at most). 2. The original failed solution must be uploaded to Brute before the end of the exam. 3. The correction must be done in the day of the exam.

Points and grading
At the exam, the total of the following is computed:

  • Points gained by solving homeworks. Acceptable minimum is 20 points.
  • Points gained by solving the programming part. Acceptable minimum is 10 points. Each correctly processed input file of total 10 files is worth 2 points.
  • Points gained by solving the analytical part. Acceptable minimum is 12 of maximum 24 points. The amount of points gained is decided by the examiner.
Points total   Grade  
============   =====
      < 42       F 
 42  -  48       E 
 49  -  55       D  
 56  -  62       C 
 63  -  69       B 
 70  -  76       A

Exam problems examples

Programming part

Analytical part

courses/be5b33pge/exam.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/26 20:18 by berezovs