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Profiling in Java

Task assignment

Your task is to speed up a variant of Multi-Objective A* solving Bi-Objective Shortest Path Problem.

  • The main difference from classical single-objective A* is that instead of maintaining of a single search state per node, the algorithm must maintain a whole pareto-bag of non-dominated search states.

You probably need to do the following steps to run the algorithm:

  1. Download the program from git repository: git clone https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/esw/multiobjective_shortest_path.git
  2. Open the source code in IDE
  3. Run the program (cz.cvut.fel.esw.shortestpath.Main class)
  4. Do profiling (hints below)
  5. Make changes that will improve the speed (code modifications)
  6. Upload patch file into upload system and pass specified time limit: Patch will be applied using git apply command, therefore, the best way to generate patch is the git diff command:
    git fetch origin && git diff -w origin/master > mosp.diff.txt
    (.txt file type because of the upload system restrictions).


The automatic evaluation runs on Java 11

Profiling tools


Most of the IDEs now integrate some of the profilers (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate from version 2019.3). It is the easiest way to get an insight into what is happening during the execution; however, other more specialized tools typically provide more information.

Java VisualVM

The Java VisualVM is a baseline for profiling Java applications. It allows you to use both sampling and instrumentation approaches to profile the application. It allows to measure time spent in functions and see statistics about objects on the heap. It can also generate and analyze heap dumps, monitor garbage collector (and invoke it), and monitor threads.


JDK Mission Control and JDK Flight Recorder

JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is a tool for collecting diagnostic and profiling data about a running Java application. It is integrated into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and causes almost no performance overhead, so it can be used even in heavily loaded production environments. The JFR can record detailed information about various aspects of the application - e.g. object statistics, compilation, detailed GC info, I/O operations, exceptions, etc.

JDK Mission Control (JMC) is the usual tool to examine JFR recordings. It can also start and configure JFR recordings.

Flight Recording can be started automatically with VM arguments:


https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/products-jmc8-downloads.html or https://adoptopenjdk.net/jmc.html


Set 'garbage collector' JFR recording settings to: All, incl. heap statistics


Async-profiler is a low overhead profiling tool for Linux/macOS that uses perf. It has been recently integrated into IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. The IntelliJ IDEA build of this profiler supports also Windows OS.



JConsole is a tool with a basic monitoring functionality - heap size, CPU usage, thread monitor, etc. But it also allows using JMX instrumentation in order to see JVM parameters and in some cases it also allows you to change the parameters.


There are also some command line tools (jcmd, jhat, jinfo,…) but most of their functionality is covered by the tools described above.


Try to find the code that is executed a lot and look for what looks suspicious. Avoid unnecessary object creation e.g. boxing and unboxing of primitive variables (int vs. Integer). Profile also the memory and look for what objects are created the most (maybe even analyze heap dump). Is it necessary to create all those objects?

Try to use various tools and methods, sampling vs instrumentation (in visualvm called profiling). Since their implementation and methodology differ they suffer from different profiling errors; therefore, they could provide different insights into the program.

You can also leverage knowledge about data that are handled by some data structures. You should ask the following questions if profiling shows you that some data structure could be the bottleneck: What is the purpose of this structure? Do I know anything about the data that this data structure handles? Can I use a different, faster (for example, less general), data structure that leverages the knowledge about the data?

courses/b4m36esw/labs/lab05.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/28 09:01 by cuchymar