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Online Resources

Practical hints about Python installations etc. are to be found in tutorials

Interactive exercises

The fastest way to get hands-on python is through interactive exercises. They offer a fast learning curve, making them an ideal resource in the beginning of your programming journey.


Wentworth 2012 is the main book we follow.

For Python, there are many freely available online documents and books. Use them, google them, find your own. We expect that experienced programmers will find their way. For beginners we have few recommendations:

  • Python for Software Design, How to think like a computer scientist [Downey2009]. Non-traditional and interesting book, easy to read. Helpful especially for someone with no or very little previous programming experience. Updated (to Python3) version is [Wentworth2012].
  • Dive Into Python, [Pilgrim2009] is rather for advanced programmers.
  • Python Style Guide. How to name modules, variables, classes and functions, how to write comments and so on.
  • Python Debugger is nice introduction into Python debugging for beginners.
  • An Introduction to Tkinter overview of the Tkinter - library for GUI and graphical output. We will not use it but you may want to play.

Watching and listening

courses/be5b33prg/resources.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/13 12:01 by jenicto2