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B4M39APG - Algorithms of Computer Graphics (Algoritmy počítačové grafiky)

APG MSc study course taught at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction (DCGI) DCGI


  • 2 + 2 (see overview of lectures and seminars)
  • Seminars are based on solving assignments in teams of two.
  • The assignments are evaluated and students get points for them during the semester.
  • Points are reduced for late submission of an assignment. You can earn extra points for fast solutions and/or bonus tasks.
  • The course is concluded with an exam.
  • In WS 2020/2021, the course will be taught in non-contact form in MS Teams.
  • Seminars will be online on the following Microsoft Teams channel.
  • Lectures will be online on the following Microsoft Teams channel.



Ability to program in C++, basic understanding of linear algebra & analytic geometry.

Nice to have: familiarity with a graphics API (OpenGL, DirectX).



  • 50 pts. - assignments solved at the seminars
  • 10 pts. - written test during the semester
  • 40 pts. - exam

Assessment and exam

  • To get the assessment, you are required to gain at least 30 points for assignments + written test.
  • To successfully pass the exam, at least 20 points are required.


90-100 pts. A - excellent
80-89 pts. B - very good
70-79 pts. C - good
60-69 pts. D - satisfactory
50-59 pts. E - sufficient
below 50 pts. F - failed

Assignments upload servers


Please, get acquainted with the Academic rules of DCGI and adhere to them.

We wish you successful studies of this course!

courses/b4m39apg/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/18 13:52 by bittner