Laboratory Exercises

Laboratory exercise mainly serves to acquire practical experience in programming skills. The aim of the lab exercises is to apply the constructs explained in lectures on examples, which are derived from daily-used applications.

Exercises at glance

Wednesday 11:00-12:30 KN:E-311 KN:E-2
01 25.09. Lab01
02 02.10. Lab02
03 09.10. Lab03
04 16.10. Lab04
05 23.10. Lab05
06 30.10. Lab06
07 06.11. Midterm exam
08 13.11. Midterm exam corrections
09 20.11. Lab09
10 27.11. Lab10
11 04.12. Lab11
12 11.12. Lab11 - HW05 consultation
13 18.12. Lab12 - HW05 consultation
14 08.01. No lab. Early exam date
courses/be5b99cpl/labs/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/24 11:58 by ulricji1