
The homework should be put into the upload system: https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/. Homework can be turned in a week later for half the points.

Homework must not produce warnings or errors during compilation!

We use gcc-11 and valgrind 3.18.1 to validate your codes. Those programs are available to you on the PCs in the classrooms.

The following flags are used to compile your codes unless specified otherwise.

-Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 -lm

HW Points Assignment Date Deadline
HW00 Workspace preparation 0 25.09. 25.09.
HW01 Reducing fractions 5 02.10. 16.10.
HW02 Calculator - small numbers 5 09.10. 25.10.
HW03 Strings 5 16.10. 1.11.
HW04 Calculator - large numbers 10 23.10.
HW05 String library 10 30.10. 17.11.
HW06 Semestral work 25 20.11. 08.01.
Total 60
courses/be5b99cpl/hw/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/30 09:31 by ulricji1