Supporting materials for the lectures of the academic year 2024/2025. The materials are slides, also available in printer-safe version as handouts with 2×2 and 3×3 slides on a single page.
These supportive materials are not intended as a replacement for your own notes from the lectures. They are rather provided to help you to understand the studied problems.
— Jan Faigl 2024/09/20 23:59
— Jan Faigl 2023/09/21 17:55
— Jan Faigl 2023/10/16 10:52
Comments on Hungarian algorithm and dummy tasks and resources. Further comments on the relation of the decision-making and particular realization of the whole navigation stack.
Expert's talk; slides to be provided at later date.
— Jan Faigl 2023/10/29 21:57
— Jan Faigl 2024/01/16 17:20
— Jan Faigl 2024/01/12 22:32
— Jan Faigl 2023/11/26 20:42
Guest lecture; slides to be provided at later date.