
Week Date Lecture PDF-EN Lecturer
1. 25.9. Raster and vector graphics, raster image, rasterization of line, line types.
Study at home: Rasterization of circle and ellipse.
line [PDF] + line [AVI, 87 MB],
2. 2.10. 3D geometry, transformations geometry JB
3. 9.10. Camera, projections, object representation geometry-cont. JB
4. 16.10. Area hatching and pattern filling fill [PDF] + filling [AVI, 96 MB]
5. 23.10. Camera, projections, object representation - part II JB
6. 30.10. Visibility algorithms visibility JB
7. 6.11. Visibility algorithms - part II JB
8. 13.11. Light, surface reflectance models, shading light, reflectance,shading JB
9. 20.11. Light, surface reflectance models, shading - part II JB
10. 27.11. Introduction to global illumination photorealism JB
11. 4.12. Ray tracing, Path tracing ray tracing JB
12. 11.12. Radiosity method radiosity JB
13. 18.12. Clipping
Study at home: Colors, three-component spectrum representation, color models, HDR, tone mapping, dithering, working with palette
clipping + clipping [AVI, 99 MB]
color, hdri, dithering
14. 8.1. Shadows in rasterization
Study at home: Textures, texture mapping


Jiří Žára
JB Jiří Bittner
Martin Čadík
DS Daniel Sýkora
courses/b4m39apg/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 16:40 by bittner