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Robot locomotion, sensing, and planning

Task ID Assignment
t1a-ctrl Open-loop locomotion control
t1b-ctrl Reactive obstacle avoidance
t1c-plan Grid-based path planning
t1d-map Map building
t1e-frontiers Determination of frontiers for robotic exploration
t1f-exploration Robotic information gathering - Mobile robot exploration
t2-tspn Data-collection Path Planning with Remote Sensing (TSPN)
All the supporting files can be downloaded in a single archive redcp-all.zip that contains redcp directory with scenes for the simulator, supporting redcp python library and individual tasks directories.

Provided supporting files for implementation of the tasks are in Python 3, and the simulation environment is CoppeliaSim, for which scenes including hexapod walking robot are provided as well. The following Python packages are recommended for a smooth run of the provided examples. The packages can be install directly in your OS, such as using apt install or using pip.

Package Apt install Used in tasks
matplotlib apt install python3-matplotlib All tasks
numpy apt install python3-numpy All tasks
sklearn apt install python3-sklearn t1c-plan, t1d-map, t1e-frontiers, t1f-exploration
skimage apt install python3-skimage t1e-frontiers, t1f-exploration
courses/crl-courses/redcp/tasks/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/28 06:15 by faiglj