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Timetable at FEE Students of PGE Upload system BRUTE


Lecture Day Topics Codes/slides
1. 21.2. Lists, arrays, dictionaries create , access , append , insert , delete
2. 28.2. 2D arrays, prefix sum, 1Dim search 2D fill, generate, analyze search prefixsum.py
3. 6.3. Strings and text files
Data are available in the practices section
strings1 strings2 strings3 strings4 strings5 textfiles climate1 climate2
4. 13.3. Sliding window, speed issues overview binsearch.py , sentinel.py , slidingwindow.py , sorts.py
5. 20.3. Library support for searching and sorting, complexity of searching and sorting and other tasks. combinations.py, maxsumsubseq.py, nestedloops.py , searchspeeds.py, sorts.py , sortspeeds.py
6. 27.3. Trees and recursion I, principles, simple examples recursive1 recursive2 recursive3
7. 3.4. Midterm week
8. 10.4. Trees and recursion II binarytree1.py , binarytree2.py binarytree3.py , nodeclass.py, more below in the notes
9. 17.4. Python application libraries Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy with examples of use numpy example display with mathplotlib display climate data climate data files
10. 24.4. Processing Internet data sources csv0, csv1, csv2, csv3.py, matplotlib , Gapminder data source, Kaggle data source
11. 1.5. State Holiday classes suspended
12. 9.5.
Abstract Data Types (ADT) – stack, queue, tree – and their implementation stack, queue,tree - slides
ADT queue ADT stack ADT tree cyclic queue ADT tree extended examples
BFS demo video , DFS demo video
13. 15.5. Estimation of execution time of a code, asymptotic complexity. asymptotic complexity, nested loop examples,
also, consult the example codes in related to speed effectivity in lessons 01-04 mainly
14. 22.5 Repetitions and exam examples set 1 , set 2, arrays_tasks, recursion_tasks
Programming exam examples:
Gallery Guards
Rectangles area
Cooperating Robot Pairs
Secure Matrix Areas
15. not applied in 2024 Processing Internet data sources csv0, csv1, csv2, csv3.py, matplotlib , Gapminder data source, Kaggle data source
16. not applied in 2024 Package Numpy, speed-up, precision, limitations numpydemo.py , integers.py, floats.py, rotatespeed.py, columns.py , User Guide


Lecture 2. Binary search visualisation

Lecture 4. binsearchdemo.py , using small display moduledisplay.py.

Lecture 5. 05searchsort1.py, 05searchsort2.py, 05searchsort3.py, 05searchsort4.py

combinations.py, maxsumsubseq.py, nestedloops.py , searchspeeds.py, sorts.py , sortspeeds.py

Lecture 8. treeincludes must be downloaded separately.

Lecture 10. Gapminder data visualisation


Application libraries II, Basics of User Interface, TKinter | all.zip win1 label1 label2 label3 button1 button2 button3 button4 entry1 entry2 entry3 combo1 combo2 checkbutton1 checkbutton2 radio1 scroll1 scroll2 dialog1 calc1

courses/be5b33pge/lectures/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/15 11:23 by berezovs