git push
git pull
ssh -X …
The technical solution allowing to run a fully remotely managed fleet of robots and desktops on the very slow and unreliable network connection is actually quite interesting. If you're interested in details, read Turtlebot technical details (Czech only)
If you're wondering where you should run which part of the code, the rule is quite simple.
Drivers of the robot and sensor processing has to run on the robot (all the *_real.launch files from homeworks).
Visualization and teleoperation tools have to run on your laptop or lab desktop PC (rviz, *_rviz.launch, real_robot_*_teleop.launch, …).
# on the desktop PC ssh -XYC your_ctu_username@turtle08
# on robot: ~/deploy/scripts/start_singularity_aro tmux # (the console prompt should start with AROSingularity) roscore # keep roscore running and open a new tmux tab with ''Ctrl-b+n'' or ''Ctrl-a+n'' roslaunch aro_exploration real_robot.launch # in a new tmux tab, start the base robot driver roslaunch_aro_exploration aro_localization_real.launch run_driver:=false # in a new tmux tab, star the homework-specific launch file
# on the desktop PC export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://turtle08:11311 ~/deploy/scripts/start_singularity_aro # (the console prompt should start with AROSingularity) rostopic list # List all topics rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree # Show TF frames rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph # Show all nodes and topics rviz # 3D visualizer roslaunch aro_exploration aro_localization_rviz.launch # 3D visualizer preconfigured for a specific homework roslaunch aro_exploration real_robot_key_teleop.launch # Control the robot via keyboard roslaunch aro_exploration real_robot_joy_teleop.launch # Control the robot via the connected gamepad code . # Start VSCode inside the Singularity container pycharm # Start Pycharm inside the Singularity container subl # Start Sublime editor inside the Singularity container
roslaunch aro_exploration aro_slam_real.launch reactive_control:=true
SSID: turtlebots
password: TurtlesDC
ping turtle08
# on your laptop ssh -XYC your_ctu_username@turtle08
# on your laptop rsync -aAP /your/path/to/workspace/src/ your_ctu_username@turtle08:workspace/src # The ending / after the first path is important, as well as not having a / after the 2nd path
# on robot ~/deploy/scripts/start_singularity_aro tmux # (the console prompt should start with AROSingularity) roscore # keep roscore running and open a new tmux tab with ''Ctrl-b+n'' or ''Ctrl-a+n'' roslaunch aro_exploration real_robot.launch # in a new tmux tab, start the base robot driver roslaunch aro_exploration aro_localization_real.launch run_driver:=false # in a new tmux tab, star the homework-specific launch file
To configure passwordless login to the robots, run the following commands on the desktop or on your laptop:
ssh-keygen # Only if you don't yet have an SSH key yet (stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa) ssh-copy-id your_ctu_username@turtle08
ping my-computer-hostname
rostopic list
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://turtle08:11311
set-option -g default-shell /bin/bash