Table of Contents

Tutorials plan 2021/2022

Lecture Date (Mo/EN) Date (We/CZ) Lecturer Contents Assignments Feedback form Recording
1. 14/2 16/2 Michaela Urbanovská STRIPS, FDR Presentation feedback recording
2. 21/2 23/2 Michaela Urbanovská PDDL / Assignment 1 handout Presentation feedback recording
3. 28/2 2/3 Michaela Urbanovská Relaxation heuristics Presentation feedback recording h^add computation
4. 7/3 9/3 Michaela Urbanovská Landmark heuristics Presentation , LM-Cut feedback recording
5. 14/3 16/3 Michaela Urbanovská LP based heuristics Presentation , LP-based heuristics feedback recording
6. 21/3 23/3 Michaela Urbanovská Exercises Presentation feedback recording
7. 28/3 30/3 Michaela Urbanovská Abstraction heuristics Presentation feedback recording
8. 4/4 6/4 Michaela Urbanovská Assignment 1 consultations, Neural Planning Presentation feedback recording
9. 11/4 13/4 Jan Mrkos Intro to MDPs Presentation, Assignment #2 feedback recording
10. 25/4 (Easter Monday 18. 4.) 20/4 Jan Mrkos Value Iteration and Friends Presentation feedback recording
11. 2/5 27/4 Jan Mrkos Simple Temporal Networks Presentation Feedbackrecording
12. 9/5 5/5 Jan Mrkos MCTS, UCT Presentation 2021 Feedback recording
13. 16/5 18/5 (Rector's day 11. 5.) Jan Mrkos Applications, revision, Assignment 2 deadline follows Feedback

Notes on the Classical Planning part: notes-cp.pdf (updated 7. 4. 2020)

Notes on the Probabilistic planning tutorials: tutorial_slides_2018.pdf

English vs. Czech


We have decided to give you access to our tutorial recordings from 2021 when the course was fully online. The provided recordings are in Czech.

Examples from class

Template for problem definition: problem_template.pddl

Delivery example: domain_delivery.pddl, problem1_delivery.pddl, problem2_delivery.pddl

Maze example: maze_domain.pddl, maze_problem.pddl

8-puzzle example: 8puzzle_domain.pddl, 8puzzle_problem.pddl

HFF Graph:


Fun tasks

  1. hand
  2. writing a domain for the given problem description and running a planner

Value iteration

Questions: link