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BE0M33BDT – Big Data Technologies

Due to Covid limitations, lectures and practice will be in remote mode until further notice. If you understand Czech, please watch the Czech version of the course. You will get an email about next steps.


Will be specified. If you understand Czech, we recommend you to take part in the Czech version of the course.


  • registration in Metacentrum (group CVUT:FEL:B0M33BDT or CVUT:FEL:A4M33BDT)
  • Linux basic skills (file and directory management)
  • SQL basic skills (creation of table, simple SELECT, GROUP BY, JOIN)
  • Python basic skills (list, tuple, dict, string manipulation and functions, basic regexp)
  • general skills in programming/scripting, using console and shell



Presentation for workshops will be here.

Practice, Hands-on training

Tasklists for workshops will be here.


Tasks for homeworks will be here.

Assessment and exam requirements

  • for assessment: at least 25 points (50 possible) got for tests and homeworks; the more points, the better position for the exam
  • for exam: a short interview on theoretical topics, the final mark is “sum” of assessment points and exam performance


Course coordinator: Jan Hučín


Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition, by Tom White

courses/be0m33bdt/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/21 10:53 by hucinjan