The subject introduces pattern recognition (called also machine learning). If there is one non-Czech speaking student in the audience, the lecture wil be in English. The subject is intended for doctoral student. I can take master students after an initial interview about student's motivation as well. The lectures are open to bachelor students but no credit for the subject will be awarded.
It is expected that student did not study this subject before, e.g. in the bachelor subject Rozpoznávání a strojové učení, B4M33RPZ, B4M33RPZ lectured by Prof. Jiří Matas. The lecturer will ask the student if she/he did not pass a similar subject to avoid getting credits easily.
The subject comprises of lectures and consultations with the lecturer (if the student asks for it).
It is required that the student passed an introductory course of the probability theory and statistics or studied this area individually.
Registered students:
Students which have to register:
Extraordinary students
Megumi Miyashita (a visiting student from TUAT Tokyo, only till the end of February 2019)