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XEP36AGT – Algoritmická teorie her

This is a CW page for the course Algorithmic Game Theory (XEP36AGT).


Date Topic Lecturer Current Slides Old Slides
18.2.2019 Introduction, Overview Bosansky l01_2019.pdf 01.pdf
25.2.2019 — Cancelled (Invited lecture by Yufei Han - Life of PI: Towards Trustworthy Machine ) —
4.3.2019 Nash, Fixed Point, Main Complexity Classes Bosansky 02_2019.pdf 02.pdf
11.3.2019 Computing and Approximating a Nash Equilibrium (Lemke Howson, MILP) Bosansky 03_2019.pdf 03.pdf04.pdf
18.3.2019 Computing a Stackelberg Equilibrium Bosansky 05_2019.pdf 05.pdf
25.3.2019 Computing and Approximation of a Correlated Equilibrium Bosansky 06_2019.pdf 06.pdf
1.4.2019 Repeated and Stochastic Games Bosansky 07_2019.pdf 07.pdf
8.4.2019 Online Learning and Multiarmed Bandit Problems Lisy agt_learning1_2019.pdf agt_learning1_2018.pdf
15.4.2019 Learning in Normal-Form Games, Fictitious Play Lisy agt_learning2_2019.pptx agt_learning2_2018.pdf
22.4.2019 — Cancelled (Easter) —
29.4.2019 Regret Matching, Counterfactual Regret Minimization Lisy agt_learning3_2019.pdf agt_learning3_2018.pdf
6.5.2019 Continual Resolving in Extensive-Form Games (DeepStack) Lisy agt_learning4_2019.pdf agt_learning4_2018.pdf
13.5.2019 Continuous Games and Their Equilibria. Separable Games. Kroupa kroupa-cg1_1_.pdf
20.5.2019 Polynomial Games. Reduction to an SDP Problem. Kroupa kroupa-cg2.pdf

Class projects

courses/xep36agt/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/27 23:13 by bosanbra