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Lecture Day Topics Slides
1. 21.2. Order of growth of functions, asymptotic complexity alg01a
2. 28.2. Recursion, complexity of recursive algorithms, Master theorem alg02
3. 7.3. Trees, binary trees, backtracking alg03
4. 14.3. Queue, graph, Breadth/Depth First Search alg04_py
5. 21.3. Array search, Binary search tree alg05_py
6. 28.3. AVL and B- trees alg06
7. 4.4. Sorting algorithms with complexity O(n²) alg07_py
8. 11.4. Sorting algorithms with complexity O(n·log(n)) alg08_py
9. 28.4. Sorting algorithms with complexity O(n) alg09_py
10. 25.4. Dynamic programming I alg10_py
11. 2.5. Dynamic programming II alg11_py
12. 9.5. canceled
13. 18.5. Hashing I alg12
14. 25.5. Hashing II alg13a alg13b

Source code examples for particular lectures

02 - basic recursion , same examples, more insight

03 - binary tree, In-pre-Post order, recursion, alternative: binary tree in just 1D arrays

04 - graph, DFS, BFS

06 - backtrack example - magic square

07, 08 - Sorts - Insert, Select, Bubble, Quick, Merge, Heap, Radix, Counting

courses/be5b33alg/lectures.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/30 20:05 by berezovs