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Mitsubishi robot RV-6S

Joint laboratory of Dept. of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and CMP. Room phone number is 7245.

How to use it

  • Reservation This is used to reserve the robot time for the experiments. Please, fill, who is reserving the robot. Private access, username and password same as for manuals. Be sure, that you reserve yourself for the right robot, that is RV6S
  • There was a reinstalation of the operating system to Windows XP.
  • COSIROP (program to control robot) is in c:\Program Files\COSIROP\bin\cosirop32.exe (shortcut is placed on the desktop). COSIROP setup is placed in c:\Program Files\COSIROP\Projects\Pokus1\Pokus1.mod.
  • Cameras are working. One can use FlyCap - SW by Pointgrey, which allows to grab images or test the camera, is placed at

C:\Program Files\Point Grey Research\FlyCapture2\bin\FlyCap2.exe (shortcut is placed on the desktop).


RS-232 connector in computer.

The voltage required for transmission is on 12 V level (it is not tolerant to 3V levels against the standard). RS-232 is currently set to:

  • COM3:,
  • 38.400 kbps,
  • 8 bits (default),
  • parity even (default),
  • two stopbits (default),
  • DTR checked,
  • RTS/CTS checked,
  • XON/XOFF unchecked,
  • non-procedural (default),
  • terminator 'CR' (default).


Calibration data

The robot was calibrated using jigs April 30th 2010. Here are the calibration data:
D: I?Q #TO
1: YR4 GZT
2: E9K T2E
3: 01P MBN
4: YTY BO@
5: 17$ WFS
6: Z2W 348

Denavit-Hartenberg notation

Joint α a Θ d parameter range
1 -90 85 parameter 350 < -170; 170 >
2 0 280 90 + parameter 0 < -92; 135 >
3 90 0 parameter 0 < -107; 166 >
4 -90 + parameter 315 0 100 < -160; 160 >
5 90 0 90 + parameter 0 < -120; 120 >
6 0 0 parameter 85 < -360; 360 >

The parameters α (rotation around new X axis) Θ (rotation around Z axis) are in degress and the parameters a (translation in new X axis) and d (translation in Z axis) are in milimeters. The Base is eye matrix and there is no Tool installed. The parameter range is in degrees and is the maximum possible range.

help/common/robot_mitsubishi_rv-6s.1279014896.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/03 10:48 (external edit)