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xep33gmm -- Graphical Markov Models


Markov models on graphs represent a model class widely applied in many areas of computer science, such as computer networks, data security, robotics, pattern recognition and computer vision. The first part of the course covers inference and learning for Markov models on chains and trees. Almost all these tasks including structure learning can be solved by efficient algorithms with polynomial time complexity. The second part of the course addresses graphical models on general graphs. Here on the contrary, practically all inference and learning tasks are NP-complete. The focus is therefore on efficient approximation algorithms.


  • 14.01.2019 The exam will take place on Wed. 23.1.19 from 10:00-11:30am in KN:E-128.
  • 19.12.2018 The exam will take place on Wed. 23.1.19. Place and time will be specified soon.
  • 19.12.2018 The lecture and the seminar on 2.1.19 are cancelled. The next lecture will take place on Wed. 9.1.19
  • 12.12.2018 More recent exam examples posted (see below)
  • 28.11.2018 The lecture and the seminar on 5.12. are cancelled.


  • Teacher: Boris Flach web-page
  • Prerequisites: probability theory and mathematical statistics, graphs and graph algorithms, pattern recognition
  • Course format: (2/1)
  • Schedule: WS18/19
  • Lectures: See here for the syllabus
  • Seminars: Exercises/Assignments will be provided prior to each seminar class. You are supposed to work on them before the seminar. Solutions will be discussed at the seminar class.
  • Grading/Credits: Written exam (see here for example1, example2), 4CP
  • Textbooks and References:
    • Michail I. Schlesinger, Vaclav Hlavač, Ten Lectures on Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition, chapter 8 [Schlesinger-TLPR2002]
    • Stan Z. Li, Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis [Li-MRFIA2009]
    • Daphne Koller, Nir Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models Principles and Techniques [Koller-PGM2009]
    • Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (for additional reading) [Bishop-PRML2006]
    • Gerhard Winkler, Image Analysis, Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: A Mathematical Introduction (for additional reading) [Winkler-IARF2006]
courses/xep33gmm/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/14 13:03 by flachbor