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The aim of labs is to familiarize students with the design and implementation of parallel algorithms and to practice the theory from lectures. The tasks are proposed in a way that enables to test/debug/run them on conventional computers. For the purpose of computationally demanding experiments, we arranged the access to Metacentrum. In order to show new trends in parallel programming, the semester project is focused on Xeon Phi coprocessor.

Attendance at labs is not compulsory with exception of lab 14. However, the attendance is strongly recommended. Our goal is to improve students' knowledge of parallel algorithms, not just to record presence.

Plan of the Labs

n. Topic Notes Handouts Other materials
1 Introduction to parallel programming, environment setting introduction.pdf MetaCentrum tutorial Metacentrum example code
2 Cpp11 threads, part 1 cpp_threads_1.pdf 02_lab_codes.zip
3 Cpp11 threads, part 2 cpp_threads_2.pdf03_lab_codes.zip
4 Assignment of the semester project + HW1 hw1_assignment.pdf semester_project.pdfhw1_skeleton.zip hw1_public_test_cases.zip hw1_instance_generator.zip semester_project_codes.zip NBody tutorial part 1 NBody tutorial part 2
5 OpenMP, part 1 openmp_1.pdf 05_lab_codes.zip OpenMP cheatsheet
6 OpenMP, part 2 openmp_2.pdf 06_lab_codes.zip
7 HW2 hw2_assignment.pdf hw2.zip hw2_public_test_cases.zip
8 Semester project - consultation
9 MPI, part 1 mpi.pdf 09_lab_codes.zip
10 MPI, part 2 and HW3 hw3_assignment.pdf hw3.zip hw3_public_test_cases.zip
11 Semester project - consultation
12 Semester project - consultation
13 Semester project - consultation
14 Presentations of semester projects, student assessment Attendance is mandatory

Classroom computers

OS: Debian Linux 64b, select “DCE PXE → DCE 4.9 stretch app” during booting

Login: username + main CTU password (the one you use for KOS)

Development environments: CLion (C++), Visual Studio Code, GVim, Eclipse, Geany are installed. CLion is installed in /opt and its license have to be activated (this is done by setting the license server that will be provided to you during the first lab).

courses/b4m35pag/cviceni.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/07 14:12 by modosist