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B3M33MKR: Mobile and and Collective Robotics (winter term 2018/19)

Seminars organization

  • Students are expected to work in teams by two (exceptions allowed after consultation with teacher).
  • Each group is expected to work with a real robot.
  • Majority of the work is planned as an individual work of the group (you can work anytime the room is available).
  • Students are expected to ask - ask early, ask often.
  • Teachers will be personally available during the regularly scheduled hours, otherwise over the e-mail (but don't expect answers in order of minutes)
  • Charge the robot every time you stop working with it.
  • Keep all source codes on CSV (SVN or GIT). The disk on the on-board computer can be erased anytime (No complains - you were warned).
  • You are sharing the robots with others, keep it clean (physically as well as the disk space). Don't mess with others' stuff.
  • Create your own ROS workspace. Use a naming convention mkr_<group_name>_ws.



Getting the seminar credit

To get the seminar credit, student must:

  • Participate and actively work at all seminars (up to 2 absences without excuse will be tolerated),
  • Create a working algorithms solving *all* the tasks,
  • Present a well-written and documented source code,
  • Understand the presented solution and source code (each team member).

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courses/b3m33mkr/cviceni.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/09 13:35 by ecorcgae