Students will learn how to efficiently use both basic and advanced Matlab functions, including graphic user interface design. Emphasis will be put on problem analysis and implementation, understanding Matlab documentation, debugging user-defined functions and independent work with Matlab (proved by work on the project). Knowledge acquired can be applied to a broad spectra of courses taught at FEE (processing labs, final projects) and can be used in future professional career.
conditions of credit award:
Final grade:
90-100 points - A (excellent)
80-89 points - B (very good)
70-79 points - C (good)
60-69 points - D (satisfactory)
50-59 points - E (sufficient)
0-49 points - F (failed)
Course timetable
Outline and syllabus, Outline and syllabus of exercises
1. Motivation problems, environment description and set-up, control || Matlab as a calculator, documentation
Lecture, week 1
2. Expressions and commands, indexing, elementary math functions || () Indexing, [], :, dot-operations, solving simple problems (scripts #1), scalar × vector × matrix operations and functions, Projects: project list
Lecture, week 2
3. Relation and logical operators, logical indexing, code debugging || scripts #2, keyboard shortcuts, cell mode scripts, script processing by Matlab; Projects: project selection
Lecture, week 3
4. User-defined functions, recursion, programming style (variables, functions, comments) || Workspaces, main / local / nested functions; Projects: project layout, initial consultation
Lecture, week 4
5. Visualizing in Matlab (introduction) || Ploting and editing graphs; Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 5
6. Cycles (vectorizing, other methods), cell, struct || Built-in functions #1, time operations; Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 6
7. Memory allocation, data types, control flow m-lint || Built-in functions #2, division by zero (Inf, NaN, …); Projects: work on projects + consultation and project progress check
Lecture, week 7
8. Strings, import/export, code acceleration || Excel, ASCII, binary, mat, (bmp), eval, evalin, …; Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 8
9. Path, code design, large application design, code design guidelines and standards || Complex examples (functionality-wise), code reading; Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 9
10. Visualizing in Matlab (OOP/ handle objects, graphics control) || Complex graphs (object types), graphics, animation, Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 10
GUI layout
mouse position
11. Visualizing in Matlab (OOP/ handle objects, graphics control) || Complex graphs (object types), graphics, animation, Projects: work on projects + consultation
Lecture, week 11
12. Symbolic math (MuPAD kernel), limit, extreme, derivative, zero points of a function, integration, ezplot, ezsurf, solve vs. numerical approach, Projects: work on projects + consultation and project progress check
Lecture, week 12
13. Test, project finalization
14. Project check, credit award
Recommended literature:
[1] Attaway, S.: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 3rd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.
[2] Hahn, B., Valentine, D.: Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists, 5th ed., Academic Press, 2013.
[3] Kiusalaas, J.: Numerical Methods in Engineering with Matlab. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[4] Mathews, J. H., Fink, K. D.: Numerical Methods Using Matlab. Prentice Hall, 1999
Lecturer: Pavel Valtr,