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Tutorials plan 2022/2023

Lecture Date (Mo/EN) Date (We/CZ) Lecturer Contents Presentation Feedback form
1. 20/2 22/2 Michaela Urbanovská Tutorial canceled - -
2. 27/2 1/3 Michaela Urbanovská Problem Representation, PDDL / Assignment 1 - PDDL handout Presentation, Slide-puzzle pastebin Application of (next ?t1 ?t2) predicate for 4x4 grid, PDDLs from tutorial Feedback form
3. 6/3 8/3 Michaela Urbanovská Problem representations + Grounding / Assignment 1 - Grounding handout Presentation Feedback form
4. 13/3 15/3 Michaela Urbanovská Consultations for assignments Feedback form
5. 20/3 22/3 Michaela Urbanovská Relaxation Heuristics / Assignment 1 - Planner handout Presentation Feedback form
6. 27/3 29/3 Michaela Urbanovská LM-cut, hFF Presentation, hFF Example Feedback form
7. 3/4 5/4 Michaela Urbanovská Abstractions, LP Heuristics Presentation, Merge & Shrink step-by-step example Feedback form
8. 10/4 12/4 Michaela Urbanovská Assignment 1 Consultations + exercises Presentation Feedback form
9. 17/4 19/4 Jan Mrkos Intro to MDPs Presentation, Assignment #2
10. 26/4 28/4 Jan Mrkos Value Iteration and Friends Presentation
11. 1/5 4/5 3/5 Jan Mrkos Simple Temporal Networks Presentation
12. 8/5 9/5 10/5 17/5 Jan Mrkos MCTS, UCT Presentation 2021
13. 15/5 24/5 Jan Mrkos Applications, revision, Assignment 2 deadline follows
14. 22/5 24/5 Jan Mrkos Optional last-minute assignment 2 support group

Notes on the Classical Planning part: notes-cp.pdf (updated 7. 4. 2020)

Notes on the Probabilistic planning tutorials: tutorial_slides_2018.pdf

English vs. Czech

  • The first tutorial (Mo 12:45-14:15, K-311) will be held in English (unless all students present are ok with Czech)
  • The second tutorial (We 16:15-17:45, K-310) will be held in Czech


We have decided to give you access to our tutorial recordings from 2021 when the course was fully online. The provided recordings are in Czech.

Topic Recording
1. STRIPS, FDR recording
2. PDDL recording
3. Relaxation heuristics recording, Corrected h^add computation
4. Landmark heuistics recording
5. LP based heuristics recording
6. Exercises recording
7. Abstraction heuristics recording
8. Neural Planning + consultations recording
9. Intro to MDPs recording
10. Value Iteration and Friends recording
11. Simple Temporal Networks recording
12. MCTS, UCT recording


  • Pre-built for 64bit Ubuntu
  • Including sources (you may build them yourself)
  • Download the source code and switch to the right branch (ipc-2018-seq-opt for optimal track, ipc-2018-seq-sat for satisficing track)
  • Build the Singularity image: sudo singularity build planner.img path/to/Singularity
  • Run it with PDDL files: singularity run -C -H path/to/rundir planner.img path/to/domain.pddl path/to/problem.pddl path/to/output.plan

Value iteration

Questions: link

courses/pui/tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/22 11:04 by mrkosja1