BE4MSVP – Software or Research Project

Independent work on a problem-project under the guidance of a supervisor. Within this course, it is common to solve a partial problem of the master thesis. Therefore, we recommend choosing the master's thesis topic no later than the beginning of the 3rd semester and not underestimating its timely selection.

You can select any topic. Choose a topic from the current offerings or consult a teacher who deals with topics that interest you. Contact them to discuss whether the topic is suitable and if it could be a starting point for your thesis assignment. Course “Software or research project” requires a clearly defined output, such as a technical report or a program product, which will be evaluated for graded credit.

The project topic must be related to your major field of study. If you are in doubt or cannot find a supervisor, contact your master's program supervisor.

In general, it is not permitted to complete more than one course of this type. However, the guarantor of the major field may grant an exception. A valid reason for allowing this exception could be that the project work has a different topic and is supervised by a different supervisor. A typical example of this might be working on a project abroad.

Work on projects - workflow

Important dates

  • Project assignment (student) - by the end of the 3rd week of the semester - by brute 13.10.2024
  • Project submission (student) - by the end of the 1st week of the exam period - by brute 19.1.2025
  • Project evaluation (supervisor) - by the end of the 3rd week of the exam period - by brute 2.2.2025

Application for managing project topics

You can find the new application for entering and booking semester project topics on the HUB platform at in the Semester Projects agenda.

Instructions for students

The students' responsibility is to inform their project supervisor about the project management rules listed on this page.
  1. By the end of the 3rd week of semester students have to find the supervisor, should agree on the project topic and define the project objectives. The supervisor determines the assignment and scope of the project. If the project involves an external contractor (e.g., a company), then it must always be guaranteed by the FEL ČVUT specialist supervisor responsible for the project and communicating with all persons involved.
  2. After the departmental guarantor approves the project assignment, the “Unacceptable assignment” flag for task 1_ASSIGNMENT will disappear in the BRUTE system, and a one-point rating will appear.
  3. Students work continuously on a project, consulting interim results with the supervisor as needed.
  4. The deadline for submitting project results is the end of the 1st week of the exam period. Students submit their project results and final reports to their supervisors (in a manner they agree upon) and upload them to the BRUTE system for archiving (see instructions below). Students inform the project supervisor and guarantor (depending on the supervisor's department) of this. Timely submission of the project is indicated by the disappearance of the “Unacceptable assignment” flag and a one-point rating (the project guarantor makes confirmation).
  5. Students are encouraged to upload 3 to 10 images showcasing the achieved results of their projects (screenshot resolution min. FullHD, 4k renders), which may be used for promotional purposes. By uploading these images, the students consent to their use for promotional/presentational purposes of the department/faculty/CTU.
  6. The structure of the final report corresponds to the structure of the bachelor's / master's thesis (unless otherwise specified by the supervisor), the expected range is at least 10 standard pages (1800 characters/page).
  7. The students must present the results of their work to the supervisor. The presentation has a form of defense and takes place after the supervisor has made an evaluation of the project (the evaluation of the project will appear in the BRUTE system, and the “Unacceptable assignment” flag will be removed for any completed evaluation). The presentation must be uploaded to the BRUTE system in PDF format no later than the day before the defense. Once the presentation is successfully completed, the “Unacceptable assignment” flag will be removed, and a score of one point will be recorded.
  8. Credit is awarded to students by the BE4MSVP course guarantor (according to the supervisor's department) based on their supervisors' evaluation and fulfillment of all the above-mentioned requirements. Submissions made after the deadline will automatically result in the denial of credit. Since the course concludes with a graded credit, the supervisors also provide a classification as part of their evaluation, which serves as feedback for the student.

Project results upload

Students will upload project results to the BRUTE system for archiving. Students must upload a final report (pdf format, task 2_RESULTS) and a presentation (pdf format, task 4_PRESENTATION). Other project outputs/results (application source codes, measured data, GUI prototypes, etc.) will also be saved to the BRUTE system (unless otherwise specified by the project supervisor). Optionally, images (3-10) presenting the achieved results are uploaded in the file (screenshot resolution at least fullHD, renders 4k).

Instructions for supervisors

Ensure that the project assignment is thematically related to the specialization the student is studying. This will prevent problems with subsequent approval of the thesis assignment.
  1. Each project supervisor with student specify the assignment, which is entered into the application for managing project topics. The assignment is usually derived from the master thesis assignment. Concurrent project and master thesis work in the same semester is not recommended!
  2. The assignment must include the title of the work, student name + email, field of study, supervisor's name + email, supervisor's department, project instructions, and a description of the project outputs (program, research, …) in sufficient detail.
  3. After submitting the project results, each supervisor writes an evaluation (ideally a combination of verbal evaluation + structured assessment/form), including a classification grade A-F, and sends this evaluation to the student and the guarantor (according to the supervisor's department). Evaluation using the form below is preferred (send completed in pdf format). An alternative is only a text evaluation sent by email, which must contain the classification grade A-F and its justification. In the case of a proposal for a worse project evaluation (E-F), a proper justification is required by filling out the aforementioned form. The evaluation must be completed within 10 working days of project submission (by the end of the 3rd week of the examination period).
  4. The supervisor organizes presentations of student projects (the project supervisor chooses the form - it can be a public presentation in front of teachers and students or just a joint presentation for students by one supervisor). The supervisor will inform the BE4MSVP course guarantor (according to the supervisor's department) in advance about the presentation date.
  5. The presentation takes place after the supervisor has completed a project assessment - the presentation, therefore, has the character of a defense. The supervisor informs the BE4MSVP course guarantor (according to the supervisor's department) about the successful presentation.

Structured assessment/form for evaluating projects in the course:

  • b4msvp Software or research project

Instructions for guarantors (of individual departments)

  1. At the beginning of the semester, the main guarantor sends out to all students registered for the project link to the web page containing instructions related to their work on the project (how to find the topic of the project, deadlines, project evaluation, etc.).
  2. Departmental guarantors approve the assignment after it has been entered by the project supervisor into the application for managing project topics (for approved assignments, they set a one-point rating in the BRUTE system; see tasks 1_ASSIGNMENTS).
  3. At the end of the 3rd week, the main guarantor will check whether all students have the project assignment.
  4. The departmental guarantors will mark projects submitted on time as accepted (set the evaluation to one point for task 2_RESULTS).
  5. The departmental guarantors will enter the evaluations (pdf format) sent by the project supervisors into the BRUTE system and set the point evaluation corresponding to the proposed grade for task 3_GRADING.
  6. The main guarantor will check at the end of the first week of the exam period whether all students have submitted their projects.
  7. The departmental guarantors will mark completed presentations (set one point for task 4_PRESENTATION). The guarantors may attend selected presentations during the semester (the choice of presentations and their number is entirely up to the guarantors).
  8. By the end of the examination period, based on the evaluation from the supervisors, the departmental guarantors will enter the credits into the KOS.

Main guarantor of projects

Guarantors by departments

Guarantors of master's programs

see current list Link

courses/be4msvp/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/13 01:17 by sloup