Independent work on a problem-project under the guidance of a supervisor. Within this course, it is common to solve a partial problem of the master thesis. Therefore, we recommend choosing the master's thesis topic no later than the beginning of the 3rd semester and not underestimating its timely selection.
You can select any topic. Choose a topic from the current offerings or consult a teacher who deals with topics that interest you. Contact them to discuss whether the topic is suitable and if it could be a starting point for your thesis assignment. Course “Software or research project” requires a clearly defined output, such as a technical report or a program product, which will be evaluated for graded credit.
In general, it is not permitted to complete more than one course of this type. However, the guarantor of the major field may grant an exception. A valid reason for allowing this exception could be that the project work has a different topic and is supervised by a different supervisor. A typical example of this might be working on a project abroad.
You can find the new application for entering and booking semester project topics on the HUB platform at in the Semester Projects agenda.
Project results upload
Students will upload project results to the BRUTE system for archiving. Students must upload a final report (pdf format, task 2_RESULTS) and a presentation (pdf format, task 4_PRESENTATION). Other project outputs/results (application source codes, measured data, GUI prototypes, etc.) will also be saved to the BRUTE system (unless otherwise specified by the project supervisor). Optionally, images (3-10) presenting the achieved results are uploaded in the file (screenshot resolution at least fullHD, renders 4k).
Structured assessment/form for evaluating projects in the course:
see current list Link