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Typical questions for exam test for Robotics

The exam consist of a test A (20 minutes), a test B (20 minutes), test C (40 minutes), and oral exam.

Test A

Example of questions in test:

  1. Write down transformation expressions from cylindrical to cartezian coordinates.
  2. What kinematical structure has a building site crane, make a simple drawing.
  3. How many degrees of freedom has a computer mouse, how many of them it measures?
  4. Transform point x=[1,2,3] from euclidean coordinates into homogeneous.
  5. What is it hybrid kinematic chain?
  6. Define operating space of the manipulator.
  7. Define direct kinematics.
  8. What sensors one can use for measuring position of revolute joint?
  9. List main advantages of pneumatic drive.

Test B

Example of questions in test:

  1. Two coordinated systems are given. Calculate a matrix transforming from first coordinate system to the other. More questions on this topic.
  2. Calculate the coordinates of the point in one coordinate system given its coordinates
  3. Are three given vectors linearly independent?
  4. Calculate the rank of the matrix.
  5. What is the structure of the robot in the figure.

Test C

Solve direct and inverse kinematics of planar manipulator and find its jacobian in coordinates x, y, fi (drawing specifying the robot follows).


Oral exam typically discusses errors and ambiguities in written part, but may raise additional questions.

Requirements for the exam

The total points from labs, exam tests, and oral part of exam are summed together (maximum 100 points) and the final evaluation is determined according standard CTU regulation: classification table and classification table.

  1. 90+ excellent,
  2. 80+ very good,
  3. 70+ good,
  4. 60+ satisfactory,
  5. 50+ sufficient,
  6. 49- fail.
courses/ae3b33rob/exam.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/04 13:02 (external edit)