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General Instructions for Submitting GVG Homeworks


Your homeworks should be submitted via BRUTE upload system. Usually a single zip/tgz archive, containing all codes, data and figures, should be uploaded.


Your solution of a task can be implemented in Matlab or in python. Some parts of your solution are checked by Automatic Evaluation (AE) component of BRUTE; the presence of any .m file turns-on the evaluation for Matlab; otherwise python is assumed.

Entry Point

A homework has always a defined entry point of your implementation – a Matlab script hw<id>.m, or python script hw<id>.py, where id is two digit number of the homework. When run without arguments in its directory, all required results must be computed, figures shown and output files written, without any manual intervention.

This means, that if manual annotation of point is done, the points must be stored somehow and loaded by your code. Also all required data and functions (even those provided by us) must be bundled.

Content of the Archive

Required Files

Each homework has a required set of files specified. Since the files are often automatically evaluated, their names and format must be used exactly as specified. This concerns sizes of data matrices, the order and sizes of return values of functions, etc. Moreover, the required files must be in the root directory of the archive, i.e., they must not be in any subdirectories. If a required file is a script, and it uses some other file, this used file must be in the root as well.

Other Files

You can split your implementation of a task into a set of several files (especially in Matlab one file per function is needed). These files can be put in sub-directories, if needed. Then all these files and directories must be included in the archive and the entry point script must properly load them (e.g. set-up the Matlab path). The above apply also for the functions provided by us in the Tools repository, if they are e.g. located in a sub-directory of your archive.

courses/gvg/labs/hw-instructions.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/09 20:31 (external edit)