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BEMPROJ6 - Diploma Project

Individual work related to the studied program Medical Electronics and Bioinformatics under the guidance of a supervisor. Within this course, it is common to solve a partial problem of the future diploma thesis (research, HW implementation, SW implementation, etc.). The student usually agrees with the project supervisor that she/he will continue on the topic within the diploma thesis, but it is possible to choose another supervisor and topic of the diploma thesis.

The subject does not have lectures or exercises.

Guarantors of the course

  • prof. Jan Kybic
  • prof. Roman Čmejla
  • doc. Vratislav Fabián


Suitable literature will be provided by the supervisor in relation with the project topic.

Requirements and organization of the project

  • Students choose a topic and apply for it on the faculty page.
  • The topic must be related to your study program, in case of doubts contact a guarantor. The assignment of the topic is approved by the supervisor and guarantor (in the application for semester projects).
  • The project topic needs to be chosen by the end of the 3rd week of the semester in which the student has enrolled in the course, however, we recommend starting to look for a suitable topic already during the previous semester.
  • At the end of the 3rd week, the course administrator checks whether all students enrolled in the course have an assigned and approved assignment in the application. The check is indicated in BRUTE in task ‘‘topic’’ by one point.
  • The diploma project usually follows up on a diploma thesis and results from a diploma project can be used in a diploma thesis, but this is not a condition.
  • During the semester, student regularly consults with his supervisor, usually once every 1-2 weeks.
  • The result of a diploma project is always a technical report of recommended length 10-20 pages and materials for presentation about 5-10 minutes long. These materials are uploaded by students into tasks ‘‘report’’ and ‘‘presentation’’ of submission system BRUTE no later than the end of 3rd week of examination period. Usually, source codes, diagrams, drawings or tables of results are also results according to project focus, which can be attached to technical report (and uploaded as ZIP).
  • After consultation with student, the supervisor sets a date and time for project presentation, which is published in this table, at least 1 week in advance. Presentations are open to everyone, they can also take place online.
  • Based on the submitted results and presentation, the supervisor evaluates student’s work no later than end of examination period and sends this evaluation to course administrator Petr Pošík, who awards the assessment to the student in KOS.
courses/bemproj6/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/23 11:55 by xposik