The exam will consist in a written test with questions similar to those we solved in the Tutorials, amounting to 50 points in total. You will write answers on paper sheets and will not use any printed material or electronics. You will have 2 hours to complete the test during which you will not be able to leave the room without submitting your final answers. 25 points are needed to pass the exam.
There are 3 regular exam dates (May 25, May 31, June 15) plus a re-take term in September (date tba).
Once your grade (other than F) appears in KOS you can either accept it (by doing nothing) or reject it (by writing an email to me); in the latter case I will change the grade to F enabling you to sign up for another term.
You can review your validated test at the study office (room 201) at Karlovo namesti any Tuesday or Thursday, 9:00-15:00, from June 8 onwards. If you need an earlier check, please schedule an appointment with Kateřina Maršálková. You won't be able to make a copy of the test or write down the phrasing of the questions.