This is a simple task that demonstrates working with homogeneous planar points and lines.
[1, 1]
[800, 600]
K = [ [ 1, 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 1, 0 ], [ 0.004, 0.002, 1 ] ]
Example result of this task is shown in figure 1.
For entering the points, the Matlab function ginput, or the python function matplotlib.pyplot.ginput, is suitable. Cross product of two vectors can be computed using the function cross or numpy.cross.
Develop a simulation of perspective camera projection – wire-frame model. Let the 3D object be given. The object is composed from two planar diagrams, that are connected. Coordinates of vertices of both diagrams X1 and X2 are:
X1 = [ [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.3, -0.3, -0.2, -0.2, 0, 0.5 ], [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -0.9, -0.8, -1, -0.5 ], [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ] ] X2 = [ [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.3, -0.3, -0.2, -0.2, 0, 0.5 ], [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -0.9, -0.8, -1, -0.5 ], [ 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5 ] ]
Wire-frame model contains edges, that connects vertices in X1 and X2 in given order, and additionally it contains edges connecting vertices between X1 and X2, such that the vertex X1(:,i) is connected to the vertex X2(:,i), ∀ i.
The internal calibration matrix of the camera is:
K = [[ 1000, 0, 500 ], [ 0, 1000, 500 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ]]
See Task 0-2 notes for used convention of direction of a 3D rotation.
The example projection by the camera P1 is shown in figure 3.
Let u1, v1 be the image coordinates of projected vertices X1 and u2, v2 be the coordinates of projected vertices X2. The desired picture can be drawn, e.g., in python like this:
plt.plot( u1, v1, 'r-', linewidth=2 ) plt.plot( u2, v2, 'b-', linewidth=2 ) plt.plot( [u1, u2], [v1, v2 ], 'k-', linewidth=2 ) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.axis( 'equal' ) # this kind of plots should be isotropic
or in Matlab like this:
plot( u1, v1, 'r-', 'linewidth', 2 ) hold on plot( u2, v2, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2 ) plot( [u1; u2], [v1; v2], 'k-', 'linewidth', 2 ); set( gca, 'ydir', 'reverse' ) axis equal % this kind of plots should be isotropic
See the probabilistic model of line and model fitting.
A 2D line [-10, 3, 1200] generates set of 100 points (inliers), corrupted by a gaussian noise. Additionally, there is a set of 200 uniformly distributed random points not belonging to the line (outliers). There are three sets of points linefit_1.txt, linefit_2.txt, linefit_3.txt generated with the gaussian noise $\sigma=1$, $\sigma=2$, and $\sigma=3$, respectively. One set of points is shown in figure 5.
[-10, 3, 1200]
For such kind of data, non-robust estimation method, e.g. regression by least squares, cannot be used. A golden standard method for robust (i.e. in the presence of outliers) estimation in such a case is RANSAC. If more acurate result is needed, additional optimisation is applied to the result of RANSAC, i.e. least squares regression using the inliers only. One of the common modifications of RANSAC method employs support function derived as a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE), instead of a standard zero-one box function used in traditional RANSAC. This modification (MLESAC) has the same complexity and convergence, but tends to produce more accurate estimates directly. Comparison of a single run of these methods is in figure 6.
To show difference between results of the above methods, we run RANSAC and MLESAC on a single data set 100 times. Every run is then followed by least squares line regression using inliers. For visualisation purposes, every line is characterised by two parameters - its angle $\alpha$ and its orthogonal distance $d$ to origin, thus showing as a single point in $\alpha-d$ graph. The results are shown in figure 7 and figure 8. It is clearly visible, that MLESAC tends to produce more accurate estimates compared to RANSAC.
See Task 0-3 notes.
Reading a point coordinates from a text file can be achieved as x = load( 'linefit_1.txt' )'; (matlab) or x=numpy.loadtxt( 'linefit_1.txt' ).T (python); note the transpose to obtain column vectors. Random sample of 2 from n points can be generated as i = randperm( n, 2 ); or rng = numpy.random.default_rng() called once followed by i = rng.choice( n, 2, replace=False ).
x = load( 'linefit_1.txt' )';
x=numpy.loadtxt( 'linefit_1.txt' ).T
i = randperm( n, 2 );
rng = numpy.random.default_rng()
i = rng.choice( n, 2, replace=False )
Consider a pair of images of a scene with two dominant planes, e.g. a pair of images from a triple below. Each plane generate one homography between the image pair. i.e. there are two homographies Ha and Hb.
When a set of tentative correspondences between the images is known these homographies can be estimated. Additionally, since these two homographies are generated by two scene planes, there is a line in both images, that is a projection of the intersecting line of the planes. The image points u1, u2 laying on that line in both images are related by both homographies, i.e., u2 ∼ Ha u1 ∼ Hb u1, which can be written as inv(Hb) Ha u1 = λ u1. Thus these two homographies must be estimated such that these constraint is enforced (two arbitrary regular 3×3 matrices generally do not ensure the existence of such a common line. Note that this constraint means that there exist a common line that is transformed same way by the two complementary line homographies inv(Ha') and inv(Hb') (this line always exists for any two regular 3×3 matrices) but additionally that this line is transformed by both homographies from the first image to the same line in the second one point-wise. Note that this H maps points from the first image to the same image.
The special transformation composed from the such two homographies (given by two planes observed by a pair of cameras ) H = inv(Ha) Hb is called planar homology, and has only 5 degrees of freedom (3 correspondences needed), compared to 8 DoF of a general homography.
There are many methods how to estimate multiple geometric models (homographies in this case) from given data. Two simplest possibilities are:
Common homology estimation from three: when Ha is estimated, the sampled three points u_2 (corresponding to three points u_1) are mapped to the first image by inv(Ha) as u_21. Then these correspondences u_1 and u_21 are used for estimating homology H from the three correspondences. Finally, the second homography is computed as Hb = Ha H.
Note that having two homographies an inlier must be decided to which it belongs to. This can be done based on minimal error or according to on which side of common line the point is laying.
See Task 0-4 notes.
Fig. 9: An example of estimated homographies. Red and green =inliers, black = outliers, magenta = common line.